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The two women left the cafe, Ashley's coffee in hand as they went to Tommy's car. They pulled out of the parking lot and drove off, music playing as they sat in a comfortable silence. After a moment Tommy smiles a little, "You remind me a lot of my wife when I first met her." Tommy admitted.

Ashley had been looking out of the window, turning in surprise when Tommy had spoken. "Really? How?" She asked.

"She was quiet and shy. She always wanted to see people happy, even if she wasn't happy herself and that was something I admired about her, I admire you for it too." Tommy said. This was different for Ashley, she had never seen Tommy get sentimental and serious like this before, though it was different, the girl enjoyed it and listened quietly.

"She sounds really nice, I can't wait to meet her someday." Ashley said truthfully. Tommy's wife sounds like an angel.

Tommy chuckles a little, "I think she loves you more than me doll. I don't know how I feel about that." Giving a fake pout, Ashley laughs.

"Be careful, I might just steal her from you." Ashley jokes cheekily.

Scoffing, "You could never." Tommy smiles.

The two continued to talk and laugh, occasionally singing horribly to the songs playing on the radio as they drove.

After about two hours, they reached a prairie with a little cottage up ahead. When Ashley got out of the car, she stared at it with fascination and awe. "This is beautiful..." Ashley whispered.

The sun was beginning to set, leaving an array of orange, pink, and yellow in the sky which added to the serenity of this place. Some lilacs growing in the bright grass. "This is a cottage me and my wife own. It's nice to get out of the city."

"Yeah, I bet it is. When...how did you find this place?" Walking with the old lady down the cobblestone pathway that was starting to get overgrown with plants, Ashley looked down at the old lady as she thought with a smile on her face.

"Maybe thirty years ago? I don't really remember if I am being honest. It was a long time ago when we first got married."

"That's really sweet Tommy. I haven't ever seen anything like this before. Do you two live here?"

"No no, we live in a home in the city. This is just a little getaway home for us. It's really just too far of a drive for us oldies to make every day. But, once upon a time, we did live here full time."

Ashley mentally smacked her self in the forehead as she remembers how long it took to just get here in general. Looking at all the plants and flowers everywhere, Ashley smiled at the small thought of gardening, she smiled even brighter when she saw a lady in the bushes by the actual cottage itself, though she seemed very in tune with the berries she was fussing with.

"And speaking of my wife, there she is. Diana! I'm back, and I have a hot friend!" Grabbing onto Ashley's side, Tommy pulls her to her wife who looks up and smiles at them before laughing at her wife.

Like Tommy, Diana had grey hair already, but there were tad bits of brown still there in the long lengths of it all, her wrinkles around her eyes creased when she smiled and even her smile was so right for her. It made Ashley want to smile all the time.

Diana was dressed in a long dress and apron, that was covered in juices and dirt, along with having a basket at her side full of wild berries and leaves. Her giant sun hat tinted the glow in her skin, and yet Ashley could see how tan she really was.

For being somewhat old, Tommy's wife was truly beautiful and looked like a true cottage core aesthetic.

"Hi baby. Who do you have with you?" The woman asked curiously.

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