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"What the fuck did you do?"

"Calm down-"

John's voice easily boomed over Troys, interrupting him quickly. "You kidnapped her! How am I supposed to be calm when we are running from the cops and you kidnapped her! This wasn't the plan anymore! You were not supposed to do this Troy!"

"What else did you want?" A pause between the two men was there for a long time. It was a long wait until one started to talk again. "I got you out of the cop car. I got you out of the fucking state. I got your girl out of the damn building, to here. I did everything. So calm down. I have a plan if you would just fucking listen everything will go fine."

"If this all goes sideways, you are coming down with me." Jabbing a finger in Troy's direction, John glared at him intensely to the point that Troy had to look away.

The plan was to get John out of the cop car and out of the state. The two together had enough money to leave and go west, where the authorities wouldn't be looking for John. Troy had easy contacts and had gotten John out of the cops holding after the trial right as he was getting Ashley.

But Ashley really wasn't meant to be here. John had brought her up once to Troy when he was in jail waiting to be sentenced. That's when Troy offered an out to John. Troy owed John a few favors from college, where they were in a sorority together.

This was Troy helping a friend out. But after meeting Ashley and getting to know her some, he wanted her with them as well. He wanted John to have Ashley in his hands and he wanted Ashley around. But as the plan to get John out of the messes they created, Ashley slowly disappeared from the plan until Troy had a moment and took her too.

Now they were in an old family house of Troys in western New York, Ashley sitting in another room awake and scared as John and Troy argued. The house was old and run down, they wouldn't stay for more than a day before they were supposed to leave again and jump onto a plane for California.

After sitting there, both men leaning against the counter thinking, Troy spoke up again. "Well, then it is a good thing that all will be fine. Go check on her, she probably has a killer headache."

"Do you have Advil or something?"

Looking over at John as he rummaged through the cabinets, Troy gave a deadpan look at John. "Why would you give meds to her? She is the reason you are in this mess."

"I am not letting her sit there with a headache the entire time. She probably has a fucking concussion no thanks to whoever you had bring us here."

"She fucked-"

"I know what she fucking did. Just give me the damn pills." John didn't want to hear about who she had fucked before she came here. He saw the new markings all along her body as soon as Troy brought her into the house while she was still unconscious. He easily knew who gave her them and what she did.

There were fading ones, new ones, old ones still staining her skin. But he wasn't going to let her suffer from head pains, seeing as they had just kidnapped her. Taking the pills from Tory, John left Troy in the kitchen so he could finish plans to get them all out of here.

Walking into the room where Ashley sat on the couch, her head was tipped down and her brown hair covered her eyes that were crying. The makeshift gag in her mouth made it so she couldn't talk and only mumble; her hands and feet were tied with rope. She sat on the couch in fear as she listened to the boys talk and yell, even more so now that John was in a ten-foot range of her.

She was visibly shaking on the leather couch as she heard John come closer to her. Kneeling on the ground, he brought a hand up to her cheek, brushing the hair out of her face and tucking it behind her ear. He wasn't upset, instead insanely gentle with her. For a minute they sat there, his thumb wiping tears away from her face as she watched the creaking floorboard under them.

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