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Ashley was currently off of work like everyone else, near dinner time as people left the building. She was currently making her way up to Gabriel's office once again, to hopefully just let him know that she was leaving for a bit.


"Yes?" He sounded a bit annoyed, Maybe I should just leave him be?

Ashley went in anyways, closing the door behind her. "What's up?"

"I-Um...just wanted to let you know I am going to Billy's for a little bit...I hope that isn't an issue?"

"Why would it be?" Ashley realized that usually, she would ask John if it would be okay for her to even leave the house to go shopping, the fact that asking was drilled into her head made her want to gag.

"I...I don't really know?"

"Where do you plan on staying tonight?" He finally looked up from his paperwork, chin resting on his folded hands as he watched Ashley fidget.

"I...don't know. I probably will just go ho-"

"I'll pick you whenever you want, I really don't like the idea of you staying there Ashley."

Again, Ashley didn't want to intrude on her boss's private life more than she already had, though that wouldn't stop him from taking her home. "Gab-"

"Please, Ashley don't go home while that guy is out there. It's just not safe. Neither is Danny's before you say that, remember that he is staying with Jack?"

"Right, if I am completely not overstepping anything and you really really really don't mind, I would...rather stay at your place for the night?"

"You didn't have to ask again." Gabriel smiled lightly as he wrote something on a piece of paper and shuffled it to the side. It made Ashleys stomach flutter a tad bit.

"I- I didn't."

"You sounded like it. I'll pick you up around eight? You can stay in my apartment until it's safe for you to go home."

"Just saying...that could literally be weeks away."

"Then so be it." Ashleys cheeks flushed pink as Gabriel stood up, walking around his desk and leaning asking the front.

"Thank you, again. I'll let you get back to work. Everyone is pretty much gone and I locked up the front! And got everything you asked today done! I think Marco trained in Troy for the most part, though I don't think he needs much training...that sounded wrong, sorry, he just works for another Sancuary so I thought-"



"Go see Billy." Gabriel nodded to the door with a faint smile on his face as she reddened again at what she said. Nodding and reaching for the door, Ashley waved and quickly rushed out of the office to see Troy appear out of the blue.

Ready to go?"

"Mhmm! Just had to get something."


"Don't worry about it."

"As you wish. Now...Let's go meet a baby!"


Said baby was adorable, she was so small and chubby, though only a few days old, Billy wanted people over to meet her already.

She was fragile and so innocent to the world, Ashley loved her. The family was let out of the hospital after two days, and it was only day four.

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