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"Yes John...yes I made sure this time, I promise...no...Alright fine. Bye, love you." The call ends with a beep and cheesecake plus coffee balancing in Ashleys arms. Juggling the items in her hands, she wobbled out of the store and managed to put them in her car. Once she did she sighed and relaxed in her seat. "Jeez." She mutters to herself as she looks at her reflection in her rearview mirror. Fixing her appearance for a moment before moving to turn her car on, she pulled out of the parking lot of the little cafè John liked eating at and made her way to the hospital where he worked.

Once she got there, she greeted a few nurses that walked past her as she made her way to the empty room he normally ate at. Not bothering to stand up or acknowledge her when she arrived at the breakroom, John continued to read his paper as she dropped his food and coffee at the table.

"You're late, I only have eight minutes left of my break Ashley."

"I'm sorry Hon, traffic was bad, but I need to get going..." Hesitantly bringing up that she needs to leave again, John rolls his eyes and scoffs at her before sipping his semi warm coffee.

"I still don't see why you can't just move here and get a damn job Ashley, I mean, an hour away for a work? Really?" Looking up with one of John's more soft yet annoyed looks, Ashley tries to put on a small smile while shrugging.

"We've talked about this Hon, it's a great paying job, my apartment is already in the city and we can still visit. I need to get going so I won't be late."

"Right, can't be late on your first day at a damn club Ashley." The sarcasm drips from John's tongue as he stands and pulls Ashley into his chest, forcing a kiss from her as his hand holds her head with an obvious and unwanted dominance over her. "Go." Slowly Ashley makes her way away from her boyfriend and the breakroom before walking quickly to her car, knowing that the traffic gods are not going to be nice to her this afternoon.

Climbing into her small car, Ashley heads to the highway to head back home, barely going to make it on time to her new job if she runs home and changes, which she entirely plans on doing. Speaking of her new job, Ashley's phone starts to buzz and vibrate in the cupholder making her reach for whoever is calling her at this time.


"Hey, Danny, what's up?" Ashley makes her voice sound peppy and fun as she answers her very over excited friend.

"Hey Ash, where are you at on this lovely day?" Hesitating to tell her friend that she is just getting halfway to the city, she gives up on speaking as he instantly knows. "You are so lucky I keep charge of this place Ash. I just wanted to call and tell you that I can't introduce you to everything. I just had a client call in for me and I can't cancel on her. Just get here whenever we are pretty flexible and Tommy will show you around the ropes if I'm not out by then."

"Um, yeah. Yeah, okay. I will try to be there as soon as I can Danny, thank you for understanding."

"Of course you lovely human being."

"Dork, I'll text you when I'm in the city, bye." Hanging up on her friend who landed this job as a secretary for her, her stomach turns by 90 degrees as she realizes that she is really taking this job. She's grateful Danny gave it to her, grateful that it's a great pay and from what her friend says, amazing people work there only if it is a few people.

It's the fact that she's taking a job at a very....exotic place of work as a secretary wasn't the most thrilling. Considering what the actual, very famous club just makes Ashley's stomach churn at the thought of what happens there. And not because it's disgusting to her, quite the opposite; she finds where she is working exciting and interesting, to say the least.

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