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When Ashley woke up, her bed was empty and her windows were open which let the sun rays flood her room with golden light. She yawned and stretched before looking at her clock which read 7:41 a.m, "Oh my God!" She yelled before jumping out of bed, she quickly changed into a fitting pair of black work pants that she paired with a dark blue button up top. Ashley wobbled as she tried to put on her heels while brushing her teeth, once she finished she brushed her hair and grabbed her bag before hurrying out of her apartment.

She was glad she always kept a bit of makeup in her car because her dark circles were a sight for sore eyes. Ashley got in, covered the bags under her eyes and checked her phone and saw that it was now 7:50. How was she already running late for the second time?

She sped off and tried to dodge as much traffic as she could. Her phone rang a few times but Ashley didn't answer it since she was more concerned about getting to work than being on the phone. She finally arrived without a moment to spare as she entered the building.

Ashley sat in her chair and exhaled deeply, relieved to see that she wasn't too late. She checked her phone and saw four missed calls from John and worry started to grow in the pit of her stomach. Deciding she had a few more minutes to spare because she was here, she decided to text him.

"Hey, sorry that I missed your calls I was rushing to work."

Sent at 8:05 a.m

"Next time, answer your phone. What if it was important Ashley?"

Replied at 8:08 a.m

She frowned a little before responding.

"I'm sorry, I will next time. Have a good day at work."

Sent at 8:10 a.m

With that, she put her phone back in her bag before shuffling it under the desk to keep away the distracting messages from John that were blowing up her phone.

Sighing lightly as she see's Tommy coming into the nook they work in, and in hand were two cups of warm coffee and snack bread. Ashley perks up at the sound of her stomach rumbling with hunger rather loudly. Tommy's bright yet old eyes widen as she takes a seat next to Ashley, shaking her head as she sets the coffee and bread between them.

"Eat. You can't go hungry now dear."

"T-Thanks Tommy."

"You were almost late, can't have that either. Now set up the systems and check what clients we have today....and eat girl!" Ashley can only laugh and bite her cheek as she turns on her computer swiftly, taking small parts of her newfound breakfast off of the plate and popping them into her mouth to make the old lady next to her happy.

As soon as Ashley reads through when the doms have meetings and who is all coming in for the day, the bell on the front door rings bringing Ashley's attention forward and above the desk, two well looking people walk through the doors, neither talking to each other. Both head to the doors for the hallway down to the breakroom, until they both do a double check to make sure they weren't seeing two people at reception.

The tall, rather large man looks at the thin, dainty looking girl before she punches his arm and they make their way over the desk. Both were dressed in rather nice clothing, button up tops and black bottoms, heels for the girl although she was already tall. The man's tattoos that covered his arms and neck spoke out to Ashley along with his long beard, his eyes pierced her soul as he stared harshly at her.

"Summer, Billy. Thank you both for being late." Tommy glares at them with her thin arms crossed with an angry, child like expression etched onto her face. Her moods change faster than I change clothes... Ashley thought silently watching the exchange.

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