The Road to Recovery

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     The first night when Jess was home was long. But he was doing fine. The accident didn't affect his memory. So I guess all is well.

"You're gonna call of sick at the bar right?" I asked him the following afternoon.

"Yeah. Sorry to leave you on your own tonight."

"It's fine, really.  Besides it's not like I do it every other day when you're at the station."

     "True. Alright be safe tonight. There's a game on tonight and it's a rival game. So it will be intense."

"Again, as compared to any rival game in the NFL, MLB,  NBA, WNBA and NHL? I've got this Jess. Don't worry about me."

"I can't help it."

"I know."

     Everything seemed to be notmal for now.

"Okay I'm gonna get going. I'll see you tonight, try not to break anything."

"No promises. Be careful."

"I will."


     Well, because Jess called in sick, we were short a bartender. So that meant the service went slower than it should've. Which meant we were backed up. And I had more tables to serve. Peachey right?

     I get back home and I'm exhausted. My feet hurt, my arms are sore, and my back hurts like hell.

"Well, look who's home. How was it tonight?" I heard Jess ask from the bedroom.

"Awful. I never thought a night could be that bad before. I swear, the next time you call off sick on a rival game night, I'm gonna kill you."

He came walking out of the bedroom.

     "Sorry. Tell you what, you go take a shower and I'll make you something to eat. Hmm?"


I went to the bathroom and started my shower. It felt So nice after the night I just had. I didn't want to get out.

I eventually got out of the shower and dried off.

     I changed into booty shorts and one of Jess's t-shirts. I walk into the kitchen and I'm overwhelmed with the smell of food.

"Mmm something smells good. What are you making?"

"I thought I'd make my famous TV dinner of frozen pot roast and mashed potatoes."

     "Fozen dinner?" I laughed.

"Hey, short notice. I really can cook. Next time I'll do it right. Steak, roasted vegetables, rolls, wine, maybe even real mashed potatoes. "

He put his arms around my waist and pulled me in closer. I threw my arms around his neck.

"I'd like that."

"Okay then. Next week on Friday I will make the dinner of your dreams. If you come to the station with homemade lunch. Deal?"


"Great. Now eat up."

I grabbed two forks and Jess grabbed the dinners out of the microwave. We sat on the couch and ate.

"So when do you want this homemade lunch?" I asked.

"Well I was thinking maybe two days from now. I'll be well enough to be back to work at the station by then."

     "Okay. Two days it is."

"What will you make might I add?"

"I was thinking my mom's famous chicken salad sandwiches with homemade chips and lemonade."

"Mmm...sounds good. How is it famous?"

"She made it when she and my dad were first dating. He wasn't sure if she was 'the one' until he had that sandwich."

     "Wow. Some magic sandwich."

"Or, I could make my dad's gumbo."

"Ooo decisions decisions. I think this calls for two lunches."

"Two lunches hmm? Okay if I get two dinners. Deal?"

"Deal. A steak dinner and a...let's say a  seafood dinner?"


     "Two dates within a week. New record."

"I'm sure it is."

We cleaned up and went into the bedroom. I thought about my parents. I haven't seen them in so long. I wondered if they knew where I was.

     I was walking to the bathroom when my phone wrong. It was the officer in charge of my case.


"Ms. Reynolds, we have to inform you that there is a leak in our system. So far we have found more leads but the keep vanishing. Including the information that tells us where you are exactly. So I advise you to be very careful. We notified the local police and they are on guard. Just be very cautious when you go out."

     "Oh...okay. But what about the guy, if he knows where I am shouldn't I be moved again?"

"No worries ma'am we're doing our best. Just be alert. We notified everyone who is helping you. You shouldn't be in anymore danger. Goodnight."

     He hung up. I just sat there holding the phone on my hands. This guy now knows where to find me. Even more so, I roped Jess into this.

"Alright the kitchen is clean, and- hey are you okay? Babe?" Speak of the devil he walked in.

"I...I...yeah, I'm okay."

     "Amber you're shaking." He walked up to me, put his arm around my waist and walked me to the bed.

"What happened, are you sick? What? Just tell me."

"I wish I could. But I can't."

"Why? Amber you can tell me anything."

"I know that. I want to, but I can't. And it's killing me." I started crying.

     "Hey, Hey...Shh...okay. Don't cry. If you can't tell me don't. I know you want to. Don't worry about it. But I can't do my job as your boyfriend if you don't tell me about the things that make you scared."

"I know. But I'm like, 'sworn to secrecy'."

     "Just relax, everything will be okay. Just take a deep breath."

After half an hour, I stopped shaking. But I still sniffled. Jess rubbed his hand up and down my back in attempt to calm me down. I really want to tell him. I wanted to tell everything.  But it was too risky. Not to mention the fact that I'm lying about who I really am.

     After an hour I fell asleep, but not completely. I could hear him moving around. Then I heard him leave the room. I quietly snuck out of the bed and tried to listen for anything.

     "Hi this Jess Travers, I'm calling because thus is the number that was in my girlfriend's history. Amber Reynolds. Yes I would like to know who she spoke to. Officer Garrett. May I speak with him please. Thank you."

     Oh... no...he was calling the officer in charge of my case.

"Yes officer Garrett? My name is Jess Travers, you spoke with my girlfriend Amber Reynolds not to long ago. Yes, well I would like to know what you said to her. Mmm Hmm. Wait you work in what department? Wittness protection?"

     Great. My cover is now blown.

"Wait a minute, wait minute, Allison Holland? No I wasn't aware. Well because of your 'quick check in's' my girlfriend spent the last hour and a half crying her eyes out and trembling! Have a wonderful evening."


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