Fast Forward

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     It's been almost two months since I came here and it's starting to snow. It's really beautiful. Jess swears he spends more time at my place than his own. So... with Christmas coming soon, I figured out what the best present was. I mean it's only fair right. We've been seeing each other non-stop since I got here.

     Jess was working at the station today. So I  was alone for most of it. So that gave me some time to get a tree. I walked down to the lot, (I've figured out my way around town) and picked out small tree. About half way back home I realized, I don't have anything to put on the tree.

     This being my first Christmas in Michigan, I didn't think of being here that long. I know how to string popcorn and I know where to buy tinsel. But what about ornaments and the star? I have nothing! I went to the nearest store and bought fishing wire, popcorn, and lots of colorful tinsel.

     I got home,popped the popcorn, and started stringing it. Several  mimutes and band aids later I had a semi decent string of popcorn.  I wrapped it around the tree and looked at it. Not bad. I resented the Kellers had some old Christmas lights that were still good. So I grabbed those and put them on as well.

     Getting there. Next was the tinsel.  I opened the packages and then I heard someone at the door. I looked at the clock, 6:30, Jess was getting off work. I opened the door and sure enough there he was.


"Hi.  What are you doing here shouldn't you be taking Topher in his walk?"

     "Yeah but I had other pressing matters. "

"Oh? How So?"

"It's been hours since I last kissed you. And I'm dying for another. "

"You are so weird. Come here."

We kissed for two minutes and I let him in.

"You got a tree I see. Need any help with decorating?"

     "There's not much to decorate. Small tree, no ornaments. "

"Wait, you don't have ornaments?  How did that happen?"

"Well I never really thought I'd stay this long. So I just threw something together. "

"I can fix that. You have duct tape?"

"Duct tape? What for?"

"Not just any duct tape, the colorful kind."

     "Yeah I think the kids left a few roles behind. Why what's going on?"

"We are making ornaments. "

"Out of duct tape?"

"Yup. Now come on, we'd better get started."

We spent two hours making colorful ornaments out of duct tape. There were So many. Angels, snowflakes, snowmen gingerbreadmen, and Santa.

     "Jess this looks amazing but what about a topper?"

"I can fix that wait here."

He came back with a yellow duct tape star. I couldn't help but laugh.

"There.  Now it feels like Christmas in this place." He said as he plugged in the lights on the tree.

"I agree, very festive."

     "So do want your present now...or on Christmas? "

"You got me a gift? Aww, Jess, you didn't have to get me anything."

"But I wanted to. Here."

He handed me a long velvet box. I opened it and my jaw dropped. Inside was a necklace.

      A diamond necklace in the shape of an oval,with one blue diamond in the center surrounded by small white diamonds.

"Jess." I breathed.

"I thought about what we talked about when we first started going out. How you never had anything real. No real home, job, parents. So I thought to give you the one real thing I can. And you said your favorite color was blue... you want me to put on?"

     "Yeah." I exhaled.

He grabbed the silver chain from the box and unclasped the necklace. I turned around and lifted my hair up. He reached around my neck and put on for me. I traced the pendant with my fingers while he clasped it shut.

"There." He said.

I felt his fingers lingering on my neck and traveling forward.

      I turned around and he grasped my chin between his index finger and thumb, and gently lifted my head to look at him.

"Do you like it?"

"Jess, I love it."

I couldn't believe he actually remembered what I told him.

     He leaned down and our foreheads touched.

"I'm glad."

"Now I feel bad about your gift."

"Don't worry about it. Whatever it is I'm sure I'll love it."

"Okay then." I took a deep breath.

"Close your eyes. Please."


     I grabbed him by both hands and walked him into the bedroom.

"Can I open them yet?"

"Not yet. "

We walked in and I led him to the center of the room.

"Okay now. "

He opened his eyes.

     "Amber, why am I in your bedroom? "

"Look around."

"There's a gap in your closet."

"Mhm. And...what else?"

"Empty drawers, and a dog bed with toys."


"Are you trying to ask me something?"

"I'm trying to ask you to move in with me. If you want."

     "Are you kidding...of course I want to!"

He picked me up by the waist and spun me around. I laughed the whole time.

"I thought the man was supposed to ask the woman to move in with him. " he said as he put me down.

     "Well I just thought that, you know, you like coming here, and you never spend time at your place anyways. So why not?"

"Good point."

" So now I can give you this."

I walked to my dresser and pulled out my spare key.

"Yeah I might need that if you want me to move in."

"Not just you, Topher can come as well."

     "Taking on me and a dog. You are in for it now."

And I was well prepared. This is exactly what I wanted. We discussed the matter the whole night. He would move in after Christmas but before new years. That's a lot of work between then and now.

                          But I was ready.


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