Roughing It

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     We walked out of the hospital and I to Jess 's truck. The nurse wasn't kidding when she said that I'd be sore. With pain killers and some motivation we left.

"You doing okay there?" Jess asked on the ride to the cliff.

"Yeah just tired I guess. Tired and sore and starving."

"Don't worry. We have food for later, you can sleep once I set everything up, and I can't ease the pain very much."

     "This sucks. But as long as Topher is okay then I guess it's worth it."

"Don't worry. You'll be fine in a bit. We're almost there."



"Amber, sweetheart wake up. We're here."


Little to my knowledge I fell asleep on the ride there.

     "Wait here."

Jess practically jumped out of the truck and opened the back.

"Apparently that Officer Garrett left us some more provisions than we asked for."


"Come here and see."

     I got out of the truck and went to the back. Inside were three coolers with ice filled with juice and sodas and water. The others were filled with all kinds of food.

"Oh my God. Why would he do this?"

"I have no idea."

     After an hour we had the tent pitched, matress inflated, sleeping bags arranged, and a fire lit. Jess told me to lie down and rest while he did the rest. Which was go hide the truck with the tarp and some foliage. I laid down on the inflatable matress and slid into my sleeping bag. My head hit the pillow and I closed my eyes.

     Funny thing, I wasn't tired. So I just laid there with my eyes closed hoping to get some sleep. That's when I heard something. Like a twig snap, or the bushes move. My eyes snapped open and I sat up. Bad decision because I was still sore. I let out a small moan of pain and suddenly Jess came into view. And I exhaled a sigh of relief.

     "Hey you okay?"

"Yeah, you just kinda scared me for a second. I could barely hear you walk by."

"Sorry about that. I tend to walk very quietly. Years of not wanting to wake the dog when I go to the bathroom."

"Very funny."

Topher walked into the tent and sat down next to me. He started licking my hands and anything he could reach.

     "Nice to see you too Topher. Glad to see that you're okay."

He barked in appreciation.

"It's so weird, I go in to get him and, he's locked in the bathroom. Like someone intentionally locked him in there." I told Jess.

"You mean that fire wasn't an accident?"

I think back to the threat letter; "Everything and everyone will go up in flames."

"Oh my God. The threat, someone intentionally set the fire and locked Topher inside! They wanted both of us dead."

     "Wait, hold on a second, 'threat'? You were warned?

"I thought it was metaphorical, not literal. But it's also why we're here. To protect me."

My head started throbbing and I felt dizzy.

"Ah, my head."

"Easy, the nurse told me that you hit your head on the bathroom floor when you rammed into it."

"That would explain why it hurts but I'm really dizzy."

     "When was the last time you ate something?"

"Yesterday, I think."

"Wait here I'll get you some food."

He came back with a small apple and some water.


"Thanks. Can I ask you something?"


"It's not that I'm ungrateful, but, why were you so willing to change everything for me?"

     "What do you mean?"

"Well, this whole living by the cliff thing, why were willing to do that for me?"

"Well, you were in danger, the guy knows that you're in town. So it seemed right for you not to be in town. And I thought that since you were leavin, I might as well go with you."

"But your appartment, the station, how are you gonna work, how am I gonna work?"

     "Relax. I can still work, but I don't want to risk this guy finding out where you are. So you won't work. Just for now."

"Okay. I guess I can handle that."

"Good. Feeling better?"

"A little."

"Okay. The truck is hidden, camp is set up, I think we should eat that steak dinner I promised you."

     "Sounds great."

Jess helped me up, and walked me over to the fire pit. We ate our dinner and I felt 100% better. Almost.

"Now, how am I supposed to keep my promise to you? I don't have everything I need for anything."

     "Tell you what, I'll sneak you back to my old place and you can make it there. But we leave in the dead if night. That way No one will see you."

"Ok, I like the sound of that. So have you decided what you want?"

"Hmm? What do mean?"

"Gumbo or chicken salad?"

     "Oh....gumbo. I like spicy foods."

"Well good. Cause this stuff can melt your face."


I yawn and all of a sudden I can't keep my eyes open.

"You look tired." Jess pointed out.

"Yeah, I need some sleep."

"Go lie down. I'll be there in a sec."


     I slip in the tent and in the sleeping bag. I lay down on the pillow and I close my eyes. I dream of actually getting out of  witness protection. Living with Jess in an actual house that we own. No one calls me Allison anymore, and I'm not Amber Reynolds, I'm Amber Travers. Jess and I are married. No secrets, no hiding. Just us.

     But then again it's just a dream. But who knows. Cinderella said "a dream is a wish your heart makes". So it's a possibility it might happen. Right now we're just roughing it out.

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