Packing Up

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     After Christmas Jess and I started to pack his things. Just his clothes and shampoos and other stuff. A total of at least five boxes. Not bad. At least we don't have to move the furniture. He refused to sell the apartment. He said incase something happened there would be this place.

     "Alright. That's everything." Jess said putting the last box in his truck.

"You sure about this? I mean is this the right thing to do?"

"Hey,hey, you asked me to move in remember? Your not having second thoughts are you?"

"No I'm's just that...well... I've never been this far in a relationship before. And I'm scared. "

     "Hey, look, we've been dating for what two, three months now? And we've talked a lot about this when you asked me. Trust me, we're ready."

"But most people wait a year or more."

"We're not like most people. Like we said in the beginning, it's meant to be. We are ready to do this."

     "You're right. As always. Alright let's get these boxes to my place. Before I change my mind."

"Okay. And you know I'm not always right."

"Yeah but you like to think you are."

We got to my place and started unpacking some of the boxes.

     By the time we were done we emptied all but one box.

"Do you wanna order some pizza and then we can check that last box?" I asked coming out of the bedroom.

"Sure. But... I...Uh... I'll take care of the box."

"You sure you don't want help?"

"Yeah I got it."

     "Are you sure cause it's no tro-"

"Amber I said I got it okay?!"

Jess has never yelled at me like that before. To tell the truth it scared me. I almost started crying. He must've noticed cause his face went from annoyed to concerned.

     "Amber I-"

"I think I left something in the truck I'll be right back."

"Wait, Amber..."

Before he finished I was outside. I opened the drivers side door and got in. Then like the jerk he was, Jess left the keys in the ignition.

     I started up the truck and drove. I didn't know where to go. I looked around and realized I was going to the cliff.


     I got there and I hopped the small barrier. I had left my jacket in the truck when we were unpacking. So I carried that with me. I walked through the brush and then I tripped over something and scraped my knee.

     I cursed under my breath and got up. I made it to the cliff and my knee was screaming at me. It throbbed with pain and I felt the blood run down. I walked to the edge of the cliff and sat down letting my feet dangle.

     I have to admit, Jess was right. The view at night was much better than at sunset. It must of worried him. Not knowing where I am. Not to mention I stole his truck. Then it hit me.

     The first chance I got to drive by myself, and I went here. I didn't even want to go back. This place is my home.


I turn around and I see Jess standing three feet behind me.

"Hey." I said just above a whisper.

     "Thought you would come up here. After all you did take my truck."

"Yeah...Sorry about that. I just needed to get away."

"No. I should be the one apologizing. I practically screamed at you. Come here. "

I slowly got up and walked over. He wrapped me in his arms and held me tight. In response I wrapped mine around his waist and laid my head on his chest.

"I'm Sorry I yelled. It's just a lot to take in right now."

"You're lying. Tell me what was in that box that you didn't want me to see. "

     "Some things that my parents left me when they died. I haven't looked in that box since their funeral.  That was five years ago."

"Jess, why didn't you just tell me? I would've understood. "

"I don't know, I guess I was used to bottling up my emotions that it's hard to let them out."

"I get that. I'm sorry I ran off."

"Don't worry about it. Although I was scared when you drove off. Thought you didn't know how."

I looked up into his eyes.

"Ha ha very funny. Can we go back now? I'm tired and I need to look at my knee."

"What happened to it?"

"Well on my way here I tripped and scraped it. Hurts like hell too."

"Well now, let's get you home and taken care of."

     He picked me up bridal style and I put my arms around his neck. I rested my head in the crook of his neck and closed my eyes. Now Jess was now living with me, taking care of me and...



"I love you."




"I love you too Jess. "

And loving me.


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