Shocking News

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     It's been two days since I came back to California. I've talked to my parents, put my appartment on the market, and quit my job. All that's left to do is see Toni. I was leaving my appartment when my phone rang.
"Amber, this is Officer Garrett. Would you mind coming down to the station for a while. We would like to discuss something with you."
     "Sure. I'll be down in few minutes. Bye."
I got there and I was directed to Garrett 's office.
"Hello Ms. Reynolds. Please sit down."
"Thank you. You said there was something to discuss?"
"Right. Well as you know, we had a leak in our system. We caught that leak and traced their phone calls. They called two people on a daily basis.
     "The man who was responsible for the fire, and one more person. We think this person is the leader, but we can't be sure."
"Who's the other person?"
"We have evidence to believe your ex-boyfriend Antonio."
"Toni? Why would he want to kill someone?"
     "He might be our leading man in a drug ring. Cocaine, marijuana, LSD, you name it they smuggle it."
"Have you identified that it was his number on that list of contacts?"
"We would like to check. However we can't unlock your old phone to find out."
     "You're the police, don't you have some sort of technology that can do that?"
"We do, but we didn't have your consent. That's important in a case like this."
"Oh, well hand me my phone and we'll clear this up."
He opened a drawer in his desk and pulled out my old phone. I unlocked it and opened up my contacts, and found Toni's number.
     "That's the one." Officer Garrett replied.
"But why would Toni make deals on his personal number?"
"We don't know. That's why we have you."
"We would like you to wear a wire when you encounter Toni this afternoon. He'll tell you the truth, hopefully."
     "So if I question him enough then he'll just reveal his plot?"
"Hopefully. We do encourage you to fight with him. Get him good and mad to slip."
"Great. I'll do it."
     I never thought that I would be back at Toni's place. Especially under these circumstances. But I have to do this. So I go back home to Jess. I knock on the door and wait. Within seconds the door was opened. Toni was inside.
"Ali? It's you, I thought you'd come back. Come in please."
     "Hi Toni."
"It's so good to have you back, when did you get here?"
"A few days ago. I had to settle a few thing before I came here."
"That's Fine. You're home now."
"Yeah, about that."
"What is it? Don't tell me you liked it I Michigan."
     "How do you know I was in Michigan?"
No response. He physically clenched his muscles.
"I...uh...contacted the officer in your case. He let me know."
That was an obvious lie.
"Toni, I have to tell you something."
     "What is it?"
"We're done, I'm actually going back to Michigan in the morning."
"What, why? met someone didn't you?"
"As a matter of fact, yes I did."
"You little whore. After all this time, you've been seeing another man?!"
     At that point I've started the fire. Now to fight it with more fire.
"What was I supposed to do Toni, you shipped me off. You never cared!"
"You're damn right I never cared! I was just using you as cover. No one would ever suspect a man with a working girlfriend to be a drug dealer."
     "A drug dealer?"
"Yeah, the head honcho, Mr. big, the mastermind, the leader. I hired that man to kill someone who was my competition. But I never thought you would see it. So shipping you off was a big problem for me. So lucky me I had someone on the inside. He told me where you were exactly.
     The rest was up to my little arsonist. He planed whatever happened out there. His mission was to go to jail to get me off the hook. But it obviously didn't work."
     And within seconds, the police broke down the door, and had Toni on the ground and in hand cuffs.
"What the hell is going on?! Get off me!"
"No can do Mr. Young. You're under arrest." Officer Garrett said.
"You can't prove anything!"
"Oh really now? Ms. Reynolds, if you please."
     "I was wearing a wire Toni. You just admitted to everything."
"You little bitch! I'll get you for this!"
"Not when you're spending life in prison.
You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.
You have the right to an attorney.
If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you. Do understand these rights as I have just read them to you?"
     "Get him out of here."
They dragged Toni out of the appartment.
"Thank you for you corporation Ms. Reynolds. And like I promised, your flight for Michigan leaves first thing in the morning. You'll be back to that boyfriend of yours by lunchtime."
"Thank officer. For everything. I owe you one."
     "No need Amber. It's in the job description. Have a wonderful time with your new man."
"Thank you. If you don't mind I'd like to call him now."
"Of course. Go ahead."
I walked back into the appartment and dialed Jess's number.
"Amber? Everything Okay? When are you coming back?"
     "You know a Hello would've been good."
"Sorry, Hi. How is everything?"
"Well they arrested my ex-boyriend for planning a murder, and being a drug dealer, and an asshole."
"They caught him?"
"Yeah, he was the man behind it all. I was just as shocked as you are."
     "So what does this mean?"
"It means I'm coming home."
"You're coming back?! When?"
"In the morning, I'll be there by lunch."
"That's the best thing I've heard all week. And we have a new place to call home now."
     "You found a new place? Where is it?"
"A bit closer to town, and it's a house. We have a house. Two story, four bedroom, two bath, basement, garage and a large backyard. Like a farmhouse."
"Jess, that's amazing, but we can't fill all that space by ourselves."
"Well what about your parents? Don't they want to visit?"
     "They said they'd fly down for Christmas and new years, but then we have to fly down for Thanksgiving."
"We'll talk more when you get here..Okay? I can't wait to have you back."
"I know. I can't Wait either. Love you, see you tomorrow."
"See you tomorrow. Love you too. Bye."
     I can't believe it. I'm going home. And its not California. It's Michigan with Jess in our new house.

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