A Welcomed Surprise

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     It's been a couple of weeks since the fire. I've healed well and Jess has been very supportive. Now the only thing we need to worry about is Valintine's day. That was fast approaching. Honestly I couldn't think of anything. Two reasons why; one, nothing could top my Christmas present. Two, I'm broke, I haven't worked since the accident.
     I'm worried. Valintine's day is less than a week away and I have nothing. I guess I could make something. But that involves going into town. And the police haven't given me the all clear to come back. There isn't much out here on the cliff. But some miracle happened and we made it through two weeks.
     Jess leaves for work around eight, and doesn't come home 'till eleven or one in the morning. And he usually stops at his place to check the mail and grab more supplies. Or even stop by the laundromat to clean our clothes. That gives me some time in between to think of something.
     Then it hit me. The Kellers, I could call them and set something up. They're always willing to help me with anything. I grab my phone from my bag and dial their number.
"Hi Mrs. Keller? This is Amber, I was wondering if you would like to help me with something? "
     "Sure we would love to. What do you need?"
"Well I want to do something special for Jess on Valintine's day. But I have no money or any clue what to get him."
"Ah, I see. Well I've known the Travers family since they had their first kid. So of course I could help you."
"Thank you. But isn't Jess their only kid?"
"Oh No dear. There's five of them. Jess has four older sisters."
     "Four older sisters! "
"Yeah, only they have families of their own now and moved out of state. And they don't talk much since their parents died."
"Oh I see."
"However, there is still a chance that you could fly them out here to reunite the family. "
"How could I do that?"
"Well I could call them and ask them to come. I'll just say that something came up and I need all of them."
     "That would be great. I'll just have to figure out how to sit them down together in town, with me there."
"Shouldn't be that hard. They all love the diner across the street from the library. They would go there all the time as kids."
"Okay but how do I get there without being spotted. I'm still, technically, in danger."
     "Well you could spend the night with us. We'll  pick you you late at night so no one will suspect a thing."
"Except Jess. He'll know if I leave."
"Do you know when he works a twenty four hour shift at the station?"
"Actually he's working one the day before Valintine's day. That's genius."
"Then it's settled. Now you have something planed for Valintine's day."
     "Thank you so much Mrs. Keller. I'll talk to you soon."
"Okay hon. Bye."
Unbelievable. Jess has four older sisters and he never told me. We've been together for four months and he never told me.
     I'm gonna have fun teasing him. But I have time keep this a secret. He can't know what I'm doing. Otherwise that ruins the whole plan. But what if he's not speaking to them because of something bad? Then I'd be in big trouble. I called Mrs. Keller again.
"Mrs. Keller, Amber again. Do you know why Jess and his sisters haven't spoken to eachother in five years?"
"Well, after the funeral for their parents, they had an argument. One of the sisters claimed that it was Jess's fault they died. They were driving in a rainstorm to see if he needed some supplies for his new appartment.
     "Things got out of control and they drove off the cliff. So two of the sisters blamed Jess for their death, while the other two stood by Jess and said he had nothing to do with it. They went over to see him on their own will, knowing the risks. But I think they were too devastated to listen to logic and reason. So that's what happened."
     "Oh my God. So is it safe to say that reuniting them is a good idea?"
"Yes. Like I said the two girls we too devastated to think clearly. Everything should be fine."
"I hope you're right. I don't want to start anything back up."
"You won't. I promise."
     "Thanks. I'll talk to you tomorrow?"
"Sure thing sweetie. Bye."
Unbelievable, Jess's own family blamed him for the death if his parents. That's hard to deal with. Not to mention, how he must've believed them at one point. I can only imagine the pain of not only loosing his parents, but also his sister's trust.
     An hour later, Jess pulled up to the camp.
"Well, well, well. Looks who's home early.  I thought you wouldn't be back 'till late."
"So did I. But apparently I got my times mixed up."
"How mixed up? Don't you still work the day before Valintine's? "
"Yeah but not all day. Turns out it's a half shift. So I'm gone 'till midnight."
     Oh crap. That doesn't work with my plans at all. How am I gonna work this out?
"Oh, us there anyway I could convince you to stay out all night?"
"You mean so you can keep planning my Valintine's gift? Sure I'll pull a double shift that night. If not I can always swing by the bar and work the graveyard shift."
"Thank you." I kissed him on the cheek.
     "Sure thing. Besides, I'm still working on yours too. Perfect timing."
"Oh, so you won't mind if I spend that night with the Kellers?"
"What about that guy on your tail?"
"I'll leave late at night. It won't happen again. I promise."
"Alright Amber. I guess one night away from eachother won't kill us. It will it?"
     "Not funny, and it won't."
"Okay. Can I get a hint if what to expect on Valintine's day?"
"Nope. Would you give me one if I asked?"
"So there you go. So, dinner, what do we want?"
The night carried on as usual. Then I got a call from Mrs. Keller.
"Hi Amber glad I caught you. All the girls said they'd be here on Valintine's day. And I didn't have to lie to any of them. They want to bury the hatchet."
"That's great. One problem, he's only working half shift the day before."
"Oh my. Could we plan in the morning?"
"Actually I convinced him to stay out most of the night. So all is good. I can't believe they're not mad anymore."
     "I know I was shocked as well. I knew I was right. Those girls are very emotional and dramatic when it's not needed."
"What are their names? You never told me?"
"Oh, the eldest is Ashlyn, then there's the twins, Blair and Bryn, and then Cora."
"Wow. Okay I'm sure I'll remember those names in time. So how long are they staying?"
     "A week. It's been five years, it's the least we could do. Give them enough time to catch up and meet you."
"Meet me? I'm nothing special. At least not to them."
"Don't tell me you're nervous to 'meet the family '?"
     "Well a little. This whole time I thought he was an only child with no parents. Now he has four older sisters, with kids of their own. Now he's a little brother, and an uncle for all I know."
"Amber sweetie, calm down. Everything will be fine. Considering your past, I know this is a lot to take in. You're an only child of only children. No cousins or siblings. And now you meet someone who has both, and now your world is changing. Embrace that change."
     "You're right. I'll try my best. Who knows, it might be nice."
"That's the spirit. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Bye."
Luckily Jess was working on hiding the truck. So he didn't hear a word of the conversation. I couldn't wait 'till Valintine's day.
     The day had come. They day when I would surprise Jess with his family. I even remember their names. Ashlyn, Blair &Bryn, and Cora. They were currently waiting at the diner. All I had to do was wait there and surprise him. I waited in the back. I didn't want to pre-introduce myself to his sisters. I wanted him to do that.
     I texted Jess to get to the diner ASAP. That his present was waiting for him. And they were waiting for him. I walked time the front of the diner and waited by the counter.
"Hey." Jess walked in.
"Hey yourself. So where is my gift?"
"Look around."
He did. When his eyes landed on the table his sisters were sitting at, they went wide.
     "What is it babe?"
"M...my...my sisters."
"Well, shouldn't you say 'hi' or something?"
"Yeah. Come on, I want you meet them."
We walked over to the table and the girls shot out of their chairs.
"Ashlyn? Bryn, Blair? Cora? What are you doing here?"
     "Jess...it's so good to see you." Blair said almost in tears.
"Yeah, Hi baby bro." Cora responded.
"You look good. Just like dad in those old pictures." Bryn commented.
"Handsome, only with mom's eyes." Ashlyn finally chimed in.
"What are you guys doing here?"
     "Mrs. Keller called us. She said that we were a surprise for Valintine's." Cora said.
Jess turned and looked at me.
"You planed this didn't you? This was your surprise?"
"Yeah. I was a little shocked at first but, I thought it would do you good to see them."
"Thank you."
He cupped my cheeks and kissed me hard on the lips.
     He pressed his forehead to mine and kissed my nose.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome. Now will you properly introduce me to them?"
"Of course. Guys this is Amber, my girlfriend."
"Girlfriend? What happened to Mr. No-dating-for-me-I'm-too-cool-to-date?" Ashlyn asked.
     "I'm sorry, mister what?" I asked almost laughing.
"Yeah, he kept telling us as kids that he would never find a girl. That he had too many in his life already." Bryn said.
"Okay, I'm gonna need to hear more about this guy. This is too good."
"Don't amuse her. She just wants to tease me when we get back home." Jess said.
     "Wait, you guys live together?" Cora asked.
"Yeah for a month or so now." He answered.
"Wow she must be special." Blair said.
Jess looked me in the eyes.
"She is."
     After two hours and three pots of coffee later, we were lying on our inflatable matress just cuddling.
"Did you like your Valentine?"
"I loved it. I can't believe that we made it through a dinner without fighting. Things are going back to normal."
"I'm glad. By the way, next time you might want to tell me the whole truth. Instead of me hearing about it from Mrs. Keller."
     "You're right, as usual. And to prove it, your gift."
He got up and sifted through his clothes. He pulled out a small box.
"Now this isn't a ring. So don't freak out."
"Aww and I was so excited." I mocked.
I opened the box to find a pair of silver earings, to match the necklace he got me.
     "Aw Jess, they're perfect. Thank you."
"But you gave me the best gift ever. Three times."
"Well Christmas, and today. But also the day we met, it was my birthday. You were my present this year in so many ways. And you keep on getting better. I love you."
"I love you too. Happy Valintine's day Jess."
"Happy Valintine's day Amber. Goodnight.

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