Chapter 24

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Nico's P.O.V.

"Ethan!" (Y/n) yelled.

She immediately ran over beside him.

"We found him at the top of the hill, on the other side of the barrier. He was covered in scratches and looked like he was attacked by monsters." Will said.

"How bad is he?" (Y/n) looked like she was gonna have a panic attack.

"Not bad. He just has a couple deep cuts and a few scratches. He just needs rest right now." Will assured her.

Chiron was staring blankly at Ethan.

"My question though..." Chiron started.

"Is how he got past the barrier." I finished.

(Y/n) looked at us.

"Are you suggesting that-" Chiron cut her off.

"That he may be a demigod like you? Yes. No one could've let him in. No one knew he was even coming. That is the only possibility." Chiron explained.

(Y/n) started to pace.

She kept mumbling words like "how is this possible?" "Does dad know?" or "Does my stepmom know anything about this?"

I walked over to her and put my hand on her shoulder to calm her down.

At my touch she immediately stopped pacing and took a deep breath.

"When will he wake up?" (Y/n) asked.

"I-" Will started.

"Any minute now." Mr. D interrupted him.

Then all of a sudden, Ethan shot up, gasping.

"Ethan!" (Y/n) immediately pulled him into a hug.

"(Y-y/n)?" Ethan stuttered in shock.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

"OhmygodsIkeptbelieveyou'rehere!" I said all in one breath.

Ethan's usual bright sea green eyes were dimmer, and he was almost as pale as a vampire.

"W-where am I? Am I at Camp Half-Blood?" Ethan asked.

"Yes, did you get here and how do you know about this place?" I asked him, worried.

" wanted me to come with him to find you, but along the way we got attacked by monsters." Ethan started.

I furrowed my eyebrows.

"All the monsters were going for me. M-mom told me to find Camp Half-Blood, that I would find you here and the camp would protect me. I quickly shifted and ran as fast as I could. I couldn't run too fast though because I already had the deep cuts from a big black dog. I have been running for probably about three days, only stopping for food and water...

"I don't know of mom and dad right now. But I know they are alive." Ethan finished.

"Oh Ethan." I pulled him into another hug.

Ethan immediately hugged back.

Then someone behind us cleared their throat.

"Well. I guess our theory of him being a demigod is right." Mr. D pointed above Ethan's head.

I looked up and saw a glowing sea green trident above Ethan's head.

Everyone in the room, except for Mr. D, bowed on one knee.

"Hail Ethan (l/n), son of Poseidon, god of sea."

Ethan's P.O.V.

I blinked.

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