Chapter 17

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

I was on the dock, trying to think of who to bring.

It was hard to pick, and it depends if they'll except or not.

There's Piper, but I heard she doesn't get along that well with one of the praetors there.

Percy...too annoying.


Leo...same reason as Percy.

All of a sudden, I got knocked into the water.

"Ahhh!!!" I screamed.

I quickly resurfaced after I landed in the water.

"What the actual Hades was that!?!?" I yelled, looking around to see who did that.

I expected it was the Stolls, but to my surprise, it was someone else there.

"O-oh. I-I'm sorry. I d-didn't see you there." A female voice apologized.

I looked up at the small girl on the dock.

She looked about 15.

She was 5'2. At least 3 inches smaller than me.

She had bright blue eyes. Almost like my eyes when I'm a wolf.

Her blonde hair reached about her mid-back. The tips of her hair blue.

She wore black glasses on her pale face.

"Hey. It's fine. I thought it was the Stolls." I smiled softly at her, still treading in the water.

"H-here. Grab my hand." She said quietly, offering me her hand.

I gladly took it and she helped me out of the water.

"Thank you." I smiled.

The girl nodded and smiled softly back.

"I'm (Y/n) (l/n)! Daughter of Aphrodite, blessed by Ares! What's your name?" I greeted, holding my hand out.

"U-um...Crystal Laurens. Daughter of Apollo." Crystal shyly took my hand.

"Well, it's nice to meet you Crystal!" I grinned.

"You too." Crystal whispered.

"Hey. Wanna hang out with me?" I asked.

I know I should be thinking of someone to come to Camp Jupiter with me and Nico, but I need a break.

"R-really?" Crystal asked.

"Of course! What do you want to do?" I asked.

"Um...I don't know." Crystal shrugged.

"Let's play twenty questions! So we can get to know each other better!" I suggested.

"Sure. Ok." Crystal nodded.

We sat down on the dock and I started with a question.

"Hmm...favourite colour?" I asked.

"Really?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"What? It's the only question I could think of!" I defended.

Crystal laughed.

It was nice to hear her laugh. She seemed so shy.

"My favourite colour is blue. As you can tell by my hair." Crystal pointed out. "Mmm...biggest secret?"

"Umm...I already revealed my biggest secret last week. I'm a werewolf." I shrugged.

"Wait! You're the girl who is a werewolf and a demigod?!" Crystal asked.

I nodded.

"Cool..." I heard Crystal mutter.

"Ok. Biggest fear?" I asked.

"U-um...being alone or....rejection." Crystal whispered.

I tilted my head in confusion.

"You're scared of rejection? From who?" I asked.

" a boy I like." Crystal replied.

"Who's this boy?" I smirked.

"Um...he's a child of Hephaestus." Was all that Crystal said.

"Hmm..." I thought deeply.

Then I snapped my fingers.

"You like Leo Valdez don't you?!" I nearly shouted.

Crystal started blushing.

"You know. I don't think he will reject you at all." I smiled softly.

"How do you know?" Crystal whispered.

"Because I know Leo. He's my friend. You just have to tell him how he feels. If he rejects you, then screw him." I said.

Crystal laughed a little.

While Crystal was laughing, I thought of something.

"Hey Crystal. I know we just sort of met. But I was wondering if you would like to come with me and my boyfriend, Nico, to Camp Jupiter. I have to stay there for awhile and Chiron said we need to bring at least one more person. So...would you like to come?" I asked.

Crystal's face seemed brighten up.

"Yes!" She practically screamed.

"Great! We are leaving tomorrow. So be ready." I told her.

She nodded really fast, with a big smile on her face.

I couldn't help but laugh.

"I've always wanted to see what Camp Jupiter is like." Crystal smiled.

"Well now you get to." I told her.

Behind Crystal, I saw a figure walking towards us.

It was Nico.

"Hey Nico!" I waved.

He waved back.

Crystal turned around and saw Nico.

Then her head snapped to me.

"Wait! Is that your boyfriend? Nico Di Angelo?" Crystal asked.

"Yeah?" I said, more like a question.

"Sorry. I'm just surprised about that. I've heard a lot about Nico Di Angelo. Also known as the Ghost King." Crystal apologized.

"Hey. It's fine Crystal. Nico isn't like what people say at all. Ask Percy or Leo. They know." I smiled.

Nico soon was next to us.

"Have you figured out who we'll be bringing?" Nico asked me.

"Yep. Crystal here is coming with us." I smiled.

Nico turned to the girl in front of me.

"Nico. This is Crystal Laurens, daughter of Apollo. Crystal, this is Nico Di Angelo, son of Hades, also my boyfriend." I introduced them to each other.

Crystal waved shyly and Nico nodded.

"Ok! We should start packing before dinner! I'll see you guys later!" I shouted as I ran to my cabin.

I like Crystal. I hope we can be great friends!

There is chapter 17!

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