Day in Peace [who believes it at least]

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*some Days have passed  since the Event in the SMG4 Universe,  CapeBoy Decided to go to the Green hill Zone to Relaxe a bit and to learn more about the Super Form*

[Green Hill Zone]

CapeBoy: - this place looks fine okay then Lets do this!- *he Closes his eyes, a golden aura raises around him and he turns into the Super Form* 

Super CapeBoy:   *looks at himself*  - Okay i feel a slight amount of anger in myself but i dont lose my chill -   *he closes his eyes*   - now i try something -    *he concentrates and finds himself in his own mind after a while* 

 [CapeBoy's Mind]

Super CapeBoy:  - wow i managed to enter my own mind during the anger  interessting  which is need to stay in the super from - 

*in the distance he spots 7 Chaos Emeralds Floating*

Super CapeBoy:  - are those my Inner Chaos Emeralds ? -  *he flys over to them and watches them* 

*all seven are glowing in their Neutral Color* 

Super CapeBoy:  - yes those are my own -   

*the glow of one Emerald starts to dim*

Super CapeBoy:   - i can mostly hold the Super Form but the Energy which is needed to hold it is to much for me now -   *he calms down and turns back to normal;  The Emeralds then Dissapears from his mind*    - interessting very interessting now to get out of here again -   *he closes his eyes and finds himself in green hill*

[Green Hill Zone]

CapeBoy:  - okay that was something, well time to relax a bit -   *he lays down on the grass and closes his eyes to take a nap*


[2 Hours Later]

*Near Green Hill a Explosion is being Heard in the distance*

CapeBoy:  *snaps Awake*  What the!!  *looks in the distance and spots a smoke cloud* Thats Angel Island!!   *he gets a call on his watch  which is From Neo Metal Sonic*

Neo Metal Sonic: Cape! i need you here on Angel Island!! 

CapeBoy:   im on my way!!   *he closes the Call and starts gliding at his Max Speed*

[Angel Island]

*as CapeBoy Arrives  he spots that Neo Metal Sonic is having a speed battle with a other Robotic Hedgehog*

CapeBoy:  What the!? 

*The Battle Comes to an end as Neo Metal Sonic Gets Pushed back to CapeBoy, on the other side is the other Robotic Hedgehog, glaring at them*

CapeBoy:  Who....Who is that ?

Neo Metal Sonic:   That is Mecha Sonic  he is a prototyp of me  and not being underrestimated  he is stronger than i imagined

Mecha Sonic:    I am you!!  the only diffrence is  that I  evolved in  a other way!   by fusing myself with others Robots!    and now i will take those Chaos Emeralds who Were mine to begin with!  

*he crules to a ball and charges to the Shrine, but he gets attacked and thrown off by a spinn dash from CapeBoy*

CapeBoy:  your not takeing any of them with out facing with me! 

Mecha Sonic: if you wish to die!  Then so be it! 

*both Hedgehogs charge at each other and the speed battle beginns again*

Neo Metal Sonic:  Cape!  do you need help ? 

CapeBoy:  Guard the Emerald! or Take Them Somewhere else!  i keep him distracted! 

*Neo Metal Sonic does as told and collects The Emeralds but notices that one is missing*

Neo Metal Sonic:   Only Six !  that means...   Cape!!!  He has one of them watch out!

CapeBoy:  What ?!  

*Suddenly Chaos Controll gets caused and time Stands still, CapeBoy and Neo Metal Sonic are getting smashed at each other*

CapeBoy:   ouch!  Fuck what was that ?! 

Neo Metal Sonic: *drops the Chaos Emeralds* Shit...!   

 *the Emeralds livitate and surround Mecha Sonic*  

Mecha Sonic:  *he quickly charges a Energy blast and shots it at the Heros to give himself sometime*HA HA HA    *he starts to absorb the Emeralds*

*the Smoke Cloude dissapears and both See Mech do his thing*

CapeBoy:  No!  *he uses his last Reserves to tap into his Max Speed and uses Chaos Control on the Emerald and the Emeralds  dissapear*   

Mecha Sonic:   No!   *he grabs CapeBoy by the neck*  Where did you send them too ?

CapeBoy: hehehehe....  not even i know where they....are stupid Metal Brain! 

Mecha Sonic:  *throws CapeBoy Into Neo Metal Sonic*  It doesnt matter! i just go after them!  *with the Energy he already absorbs he uses Chaos Control*  Chaos Control!   *he dissapears* 

*both Heroes Get up*  

Neo Metal Sonic:  Great ... we are stuck her with out the Emeralds we can do nothing and that Mecha Bastard just get closes to get the power he needs  

CapeBoy:  dont be so sure...   we ... first have the Master Emerald still with it... we i mean Knuckels can still nutrelize the Emeralds  .... and maybe we can use it to chase after him... to get the Emeralds before he does! 

Neo Metal Sonic:  Sounds like there is no other Option 

CapeBoy:   yes... and this will take a loooooong Time! 

(Smell you later)   

- CapeBoy The Hedgehog -  The BeginningOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora