The Plan of the Thieves

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SMG3 and Desti were in their Secret Lab, where SMG3 was analyze the Sword of Chaos to know more of the about the Energy it was Holding, Some of his Tolls were Going Crazy or Exploded 

SMG3:  i have never seen something like this Before 

Desti: Say that twice, it truly has Unlimited Energy 

SMG3: but we still need to Figure out what kind of Energy 

Desti: how many are there ? 

SMG3:  Really Many  but the one who are the Most known around here are Normal and Chaos Energy, and if you ask me this Sword Hold Chaos Energy 

Desti: what is the Difference between Normal and Chaos Energy ? 

SMG3: well there is no Big Difference but Chaos Energy allows you to use Chaos Moves 

Desti:  Sounds Awsome so far  but how do you know this ? 

SMG3: i looked it up on the Internet  see 

Desti walked to SMG3 and locked at the Screen  

Desti:  wow . . . the Internet tryly knows everything 

SMG3:  i even found a site with with Chaos Moves and Robots which we can build which are Including a Power Source Like the Sword 

Desti: wow  . . . this one Looks good 

SMG3: yea  a gun which shots Energy sounds pretty goof 

Desti: can we pls build this one Honey? 

SMG3: fine 

Desti gave a  SMG3 a kiss on the nose and SMG3 printed the Blue prints of the Robot and both started building 

( smoool again sorry CYA) 

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