Power of the Sun and Moon

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*with the help of the Master Emerald and Chaos Control, The New Duo Made out of CapeBoy and Violet are now heading on their way to get the Next Chaos Emerald before Mecha Sonic gets his hands on it, and to prevent that they Travel to the Next Dimension to their next little Adventure.  They Appear on an little Island surrounded Water, water and nothing but water but something to explore is there anyways*  

Violet: *kicks a Rock in the Water*  There is nothing just Sand, Sand and more Sand

CapeBoy:  i wouldn't be so sure about that if you ask me 

Violet:  *looks at him*  Huh ?

CapeBoy:  *points*  There there are Some Tempel  *he opens his watch*  and as it seems there are overwhelming Energy's coming from each of them 

Violet:  *shrugs* Well its at least worth to check that out  but don't you got a Signal of the Chaos Emerald yet ?

CapeBoy: *shakes his head*  No at least that's what i think, it could be possible that those Energy's could be at least one of them

Violet:  *sighs*  Ohhh well lets just check those temples already

CapeBoy: *Nods*  i say that we head first to the Temple on the Left 

Violet:  Yea yea whatever lets just go already! 

*Together they Walk to the First Tempel it has a blueish little Thunder mark on it and both step in*

CapeBoy: Wow its pretty dark in here its quite Interesting if you ask me

Violet:  Yeeea it really is at some point  *she looks around and finds a way*  Look over there there is a little way to go in deeper

CapeBoy:  Well then lets check the Next room then 

*both of them walk to the next room only to be stopped by an Iron gate*

Violet:  Grrrrreaat! allll for nothing

CapeBoy:  *looks at it carefully*  Welll not 100% i could maybe get on the other side 

Violet:  and how ? Do you just  i don't know warp on the other side 

CapeBoy:  Nope!  *He cruels to a ball and spins, with the spin he jumps and digs into the ground, by making a little tunnel he jumps out on the other side*  There! Easy

Violet:  Greeeat and how do i get on the other side ? i cant just cruel and uncruel like you do!

CapeBoy:  There seems now way Then just wait there or outside, i check whats deeper in the tempel and come out afterwards

Violet:  Fine then  *walks back and out of the Tempel* 

CapeBoy:  *checks on his gloves and Rings, mutters as he walks*  Well then lets keep going 

*He keeps walking in the Tempel until he finds the main room of it with a Big Blue Orb on a Podest*

CapeBoy:  *makes big eyes*  Wow!  What is that ?! *he makes his way up to the Orb, till a boulder Blocks his way*  Well lets break this!!   *he punches the Boulder and turned Super the Moment before he hits it to make sure it breaks, but after wards Thunders are raining down out of nowhere*  Whoa!!

- CapeBoy The Hedgehog -  The BeginningWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu