Final Showdown

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*Back to where we left off...*

*Super Cape was knocked out by a powerful kick from Soulseeker which also caused that he loses his golden glow and turns back to his Base form, The moment that happened Soulseeker was sure that his victory was assured and he began to laugh, the moment Cape passed out he entered his own mind again*

Cape: *falls to his knees and punches the ground* Dammit...!!! He...he is just to strong! It's over...all was for nothing! 

*A dark glow appears above him and the voice of the one woman he heard before, echos through his mind*

???: Don't tell me you give up already

Cape: What other choice do I have? There is nothing left I can do...

???: As long as you can breath, as long as you can think, as long you can do those things you're never bound too lose your hope of victory

Cape: Then please tell me what I can do now... I tried everything in my power to beat him so I can prevent him from hurting innocents... but I am obviously not strong enough

???: There is always a way to victory, you just need to use the sources available to your own favor, if you can do that victory is assured

*The voices from outside, start to become louder and are clearly heard now*

Super Frostos:  What are you doing here ?

Cape: It seems Nash already came to the battlefield

???: You have to act quickly if you want to do something, I can help you out one more time but that's all I can do 

Cape: There... has to be a way...a way how i can achieve Hyper once again...

???: There is and I will show you how, the answer is way nearer then you think

*another sound from outside echos from outside*

Soulseeker:  *laughs* You really think that you alone can make a difference ?

???: We have to do something quick! Do you allow me to take over your body for a short amount of time to help you? 

Cape: *closes his eyes and thinks and opens them again*  Yes I do! there is no other choice anyway

???: Thank you, I'll help you get back up, but then you have to take the lead, and when you've won the fight, we'll have to talk again, got it?

Cape: Yes, I understand and thank you 

*From outside is laughter audible from Soulseeker, not long after Capes' mind begins to light up in a bright light as he already turned into Hyper and that's when he is back in control*

- CapeBoy The Hedgehog -  The BeginningDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora