Start and Explanation of The World Cup

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Team Rose, Team Sonic, Team Babylon and Team Dark, all have found together at the Ceremony for The  World Cup everbody listen to the announcer for all the Information they needed 

Announcer: Allright everyone Listen up  The Rules are Simple Race nice and fair, now for the Prices   those are one big cash Price of 2 million Rings, and a treasure Price which will be revealed later 

as soon Vector heard the amount of the cash price his eyes turned into dollar symbols 

Vector: we have to get that Cash Price guys 

Amy: relaxe Vector we even are getting treasure price so don't worry 

Cream: you seem very confident today Mrs. Amy 

Amy: of course i am i spendet much time Training for this 

Cream: nice to hear Mrs. Amy

 Announcer: Everything will go like this there will be there is going to be a total of 3 Races which will be  2 vs 2 races  then the winners of those are going against each other and the winner of that race will be the Winning Team  did everybody got that ? 

Everyone: Yes 

Announcer: allright the first race will be Team Dark vs  Team Rose  

Shadow: Allright, Rouge Last time only we both beat them this time we are three there is no way that we lose 

CapeBoy: you both beated them really ? 

Rouge: we made them eat our dust 

CapeBoy: then lets beat them 

Both Teams got on there gear and got ready to start 

Announcer: one little thing   there will be little Robots flying after everyone so we can watch everything close by  just a little Side Information

CapeBoy(in Mind): something is off about that 

Everyone was Determined to finaly start the first Race; the Countdown was Finaly going down as soon as it hits Zero Everyone was speeding away  a big cloud appeard and every Racer was gone

Announcer: what a great start   Team Rose got the lead but that wont stop Team Dark 

Shadow used a Rail way to use a Shortcut  and so did amy 

Shadow: you became faster than Last time im Impressed i really am  

Amy: thats not even everything i have in my package 

Amy concentrated her Balance forward to go faster, she passed by Shadow which had a Shocking Expression, Shadow Smiled big and took his foot off the board to collect more speed with that he passed by Amy big times 

Shadow: as you were Saying ? 

Amy: its not over yet  

CapeBoy and Vector were both toe to toe in the race both tried to drift as sharp as possible to pass by the other 

Vector: you good i have to say 

CapeBoy: Thanks i only started this one day ago 

Vector made a big Face 


CapeBoy: yes any Problem ? 

Vector: not at all your just might have a problem to win this!

CapeBoy: well good thing i am holding back at the Moment  then i can use my full speed at the Finals 

Vector: what do you mean you hold back? 

CapeBoy: how about i show you  so you can understand it!

CapeBoy overtook Vector with ease and was already a mile away 

Vector: what an ass

in the Mean time Cream and Rouge had Jumped in the air to use a shortcut 

Rouge: you made a lot of progress over the year Darling im impressed

Cream: thank you Mrs. Rouge i trained a lot for this 

Rouge: i hope you dont mind that i pass by you than ? 

Rouge passed by  and waved at cream 

Cream:  man they are really good but atleast i gave it my all.

The three rounds were over quickly resulting team Dark To win the Race 

Shadow: that was way easyier than i expected  

Rouge: did you really thought they were a challenge 

CapeBoy: even i have to say that was easy 

Shadow: nevermind that now lets see who wins the next race 

CapeBoy:  good i watch it from the air so i know what they will do 

Shadow: do that  try to learn their tactik 

CapeBoy: i will 

CapeBoy avtivated his air Shoes and levitated into the air 

CapeBoy(in Mind): lets see what team Sonic or Babylon has in package 

(well the first race was an good victory lets how it will go CYA)

- CapeBoy The Hedgehog -  The Beginningजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें