After The Fight (Remastered)

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*The day After Eggman Attacked the Little Vilalge Called Emearld Village came way sooner than wished, The Android was laying in a bed in a Hospital not far from the Village and Slowly woke up*

Android: *holds his head* uhh my Head*opens his eyes and looks around and notices that his arm is warped up in Bandage's* what happend? Where am I? 

Doctor: your in the Emerald Hospital 

Android: *shakes his head Fast, mutters* that solves one question, what about the second? 

Doctor: a group of friends brought you hear after a Explosion happend not far from here, when you arrived here we noticed that you Arm was burned and wrapped it up

Android: *sits up* That explains a bit, but Which group are you talking about? 

Doctor: that certain group is waiting for you in the visitor's area, they wanted to talk to you badly, and since i can see that you move quite well your free to go too, just keep your arm out of Trouble for a bit  

Copy: Thanks Doc, I will do that 

*The Android got up and walked to the visitor area, he searched for the group the doctor was talking about, he saw a group with a Blue Hedgehog, a two tailed Fox, a Red Echidna and a Pink Hedgehog, and little Brown colerd Rabbit which as something like a pet flying with it*

*The Android got up and walked to the visitor area, he searched for the group the doctor was talking about, he saw a group with a Blue Hedgehog, a two tailed Fox, a Red Echidna and a Pink Hedgehog, and little Brown colerd Rabbit which as something...

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Android: *walks over to the Five beings* hey, are you Guys the ones who brought me here? 

???: *looks at the Purple Striped Hedgehog with crosses arms* yes, that were we how's you're arm doing by now pal? *asked the Blue Hedgehog*

Android: its going to work soon , but who are you guys even? 

???: *raises an eyebrow* you never heard of us before?

Android: I wouldnt ask if I dont would I?

????: He got you now Sonic *threw the Red Echidna in*

Sonic: *Rubs his ear* Your right knuckels, as unlikely I want to admit it 

Knuckels: whats that supposed to mean? I had to leave the Master Emerald because you were scared that Eggman would have all Chaos Emerads! 

Androis:  - Master Emerald... -

*The Pink Hedgehog walks infront and with the Rabbit on her side; while the Two tailed Fox Steps inbetween to stop the other two fighting*

- CapeBoy The Hedgehog -  The BeginningWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt