New Universes

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the next day begann where CapeBoy and Shadow Started to train Together in combat and in Energy Control, Shadow Explaind CapeBoy how to use his Chaos Energy for his own he started with Chaos Snap

Shadow: allright you concentrate all your Chaos Energy in your body and you move it to a other place like this and try to block my attack got it ? 

CapeBoy: Got it 

Shadow Glowed bright  CapeBoy felt Shadows Energy moving behind him where he Prepared to kick him, CapeBoy Blocked the attack  

Shadow: Exacly like this now its your turn just try to be faster than i was! 

CapeBoy concentrated his energy and moved and formd it  behind Shadow and  prepared a to kick him at the Head; Shadow Dodged!

Shadow: Very good if you use that  to combine different moves your gonna be unstoppable 

CapeBoy: Thanks Shadow, so whats next ? 

Shadow: Lets try Chaos Spear 

CapeBoy: what does Chaos Spear do ? 

Shadow:  it can be explosive or it can paralyzes  Enimes there a tow kinds of how to use it 

Shadow concentrated his Energy in his hand formed a Spear out of it  Shadow tossed the spear at a target which got destroyed 

CapeBoy:  wow impressive 

Shadow: now i show you the second form 

Shadow Concentrated his Energy again in his hand and but this time he made a fast move with his hand  


suddenly many spears came out of no where which hit their target

CapeBoy: wow Awsome 

Shadow: now its your turn

Shadow become a call from gun which he answerd, after the call CapeBoy and Shadow talked

CapeBoy: whats Wrong Shadow: 

Shadow: Eggman got located in Casion Forest i have to check that place 

CapeBoy: can you take me with you to earth ? 

Shadow: Sure lets go 

Shadow held his Chaos Emerald out and thought about Angel Island 


a bright light apeard and both teleproted to Angel Island 

Shadow:  you can train alone if you want you know how to get up there i even allow you to train there but only alone got it 

CapeBoy: got it and thanks Shadow 

Shadow Smiled:  your welcome; CHAOS CONTROL 

Knuckles walked to CapeBoy 

Knuckles did he teach you more about Chaos Energy ? 

CapeBoy: yes he did btw do you know where Sonic is ? 

Knuckles: he might be in green hills  just run in the west and you wont miss it 

CapeBoy:  thx Knuckles  cya 

CapeBoy speeded of at light speed after some minutes he found Green Hills and searched for Sonic 

CapeBoy: where could he be ?  i have an idea i try to track his Energy!

CapeBoy stood still and Concentrated about the area he felt a big Energy nearby him and teleported there 

CapeBoy:  hey a Chaos Emerald perfect 

CapeBoy hid the Emerald in the Pockets of the Cape 

CapeBoy: Usefull now to find Sonic

CapeBoy Speeded of again after a while he found Sonic sleeping in grass 

CapeBoy: i have an idea on how to wake him up  CHAOS CONTROL 

the time stood still and CapeBoy Threw many Chaos Spears around Sonic and made the time flow again; The Spears exploded and were scaring Sonic to death 


Sonic: haha very funny  how did you do that ? 

CapeBoy: wellllll i stoped time with chaos Control  

CapeBoy teleported near Sonic 

CapeBoy: and you are to slowwwww 

those Words were echoing Sonic through his head 

Sonic: to slow  to SLOW  TO SLOW  I SHOW YOU WHO TO SLOW IS 

Sonic Speeded away CapeBoy Followed him 

CapeBoy: hey Sonic do you belive about other Universes? 

Sonic: yes i do we were in one were we played Olympic Games against the Mushroom Kingdom 

CapeBoy: the Mushroom Kingdom ?  how do we get there? 

Sonic: Knuckles is Using Chaos Control  to travel through Universes  go ask him but first we finish this Race!! 

CapeBoy: allright be ready to eat my dust whos first by knuckles wins 

Both were running at light speed, after 2 minutes of running both arrived at angel island at the Same Time 

Sonic: wow what a race it was close to 

CapeBoy: yea i get slowly the hang of it hehe

Knuckles: what are you two doing here ?

CapeBoy: is it true that you are able to travel trough Universes? 

Knuckles: yes it is hard to do but i can teach it to you 

CapeBoy: thank you knuckles

Knuckles and CapeBoy were going to a field where they a have space and Knuckles Explained how Universe travel works 

Knuckles: its a bit difficult than Chaos Control  i use it because i went there countless times but for you its diffrent we need to use Chaos Warp, Chaos Warp opens a portal which you can travel with it brings us to a room with much more portals  

CapeBoy focused his Chaos Engery and said the Line


the Portal opend and Knuckles and CapeBoy went in  

(thats it cyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) 

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