Emily Cooper - 1

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Hi, I am Emily Cooper, I am 16 years old and I attend Goode high. I used to have only one friend, Mat Tomason, but at the beginning of the year I made two new friends, Sam Sonder and Percy Jackson. Since the first school week we became really good friends and would always hang out together, the four of us.
Even though I have been friends with Mat for way longer, for some reason, I have grown to have a better bonding with Percy, I guess that he is easy to be around. He has his secrets and his moments where no one understands what he is talking about, I think that's the reason many people consider him to be wide and prefers to not be near him, but I still find him to be a great friend. I have learned that Percy is easy going, brave, funny, sassy - I can't even count how many times he has made me turn tomato red with one of his sassy comments - blue cookies lover and a great friend to have. wired
As time passed I found myself to be really attached to Percy Jackson and don't get me wrong, not in the love kind of way. He is handsome and all of that but, for one, he has a girlfriend and, secondly, I'm not really into boys. What I mean is that I had grown to care about Percy like a brother. He was also the keeper of my biggest secret, he had been the first person I had ever told. Percy Jackson was the first person to know that I like girls - I know it's not necessarily something I need to keep a secret but, I am not quite ready for the rest of my friends and family to know, dont judge.
And that is only one more of the millions of reasons that Percy's Jackson's disappearance had affected me so hard.

Winter break had just finished and I was excited as hell to see my friends again, especially Percy. During the holidays I had been able to see Mat and Sam but Percy had gone to this Camp of his and none of us could see him. I had a smile from ear to ear as I entered the school, expecting to see Percy's Jackson's sea-green eyes and messy black hair by our lockers zone, but there was no Percy. I had thought that maybe he had gone to class early but, as the day went on I came to realize that Percy was not at school.
I made no problem of that, maybe he had stayed some more days at this camp or his mom had let him stay home for the day, nothing to worry about - oh man I was wrong. One week passed and still no Percy but I was still attached to the idea that he was staying a couple of extra days at his camp. Two weeks passed and no Percy. When the third week passed and there was still no sign of Percy, I started to get worried, nor Sally, nor Mr.Blofis would let Percy to be absent from school for 3 weeks without something seriously wrong going on. A month later Percy was still not at school, my friends and I were seriously worried by now, especially me. My head was creating lots of possible scenarios, that went from an alien plane capturing him and sending him to space, to him getting tired of us and deciding to move away without even saying good-bye. As my head was going to explode if I didn't have answered- and fast. I decided to ask Mr.Blofis, my English teacher and Percy's step-dad. That day I had entered my English class some minutes before to ask Mr.Blofis if he new anything about Percy, he had just looked up from his papers and said to me "There is nothing to worry about Emily, Percy is alright, he is just solving some family issues, believe me when I say that he is okey" .

At the moment it had been convincing enough and I had believed him but, as more and more weeks went on and there was still no Percy I started to suspect that everything was not alright with him, that something bad was happening. My theory was proven right when no more than a month later, four months since Percy Jackson had stopped going to school, Mr.BLofis had gone to school looking bad, seriously bad. His face was depressed, his eyes were red and you could see dark, black bags under his eyes. Something bad was going on.

Since that day the three of us, Mat, Sam and me, started to ask weekly for news about Percy to Mr.Blofis, in hopes of something useful but, the answer was always the same "He is solving some family issues" no more. At the sixth month both Sam and Mat had given up on asking or worrying, they kept going with their lives but, I couldn't, Percy Jackson was my best friend and I couldn't take out this feeling that he was in problems.

Any doubt that I could have about Percy being in problems, vanished the eight month after his disappearance. We were in English class when Mr.Blofis phone started ringing, he would normally just turn it off and continue with the class but, for some reason - that I consider to be important since he actually took the phone and answered- he made the phone call. The person on the phone said something that broke Mr.Blofis poker face "thanks gods" he said "he is okay" he sobbed. He then tried to put a brave smile and continue with the class but, apparently the news he had received through the phone had been too big, he broke down crying, he was smiling but he still looked devastated as if he couldn't decide if what he had just heard through the phone was good or bad news. Once he stopped sobbing - proximally one minute later- he asked me to go look for Kate, the school secretary. I did as he said, when I came back with Kate, Mr.Blofis asked to go back to my seat but, while going back to my sit I could still listen to part of their conversation "what happened Paul?" Kate wondered "I need to go home" Mr.Blofis explained with a croaky voice "Is everything alright?" The secretary inquired "I have news about my step-son" Mr.Blofis paused, his voice breaking a little more with every word "he called and we weren't home to answer" Mr.Blofis looked as if was about to break out crying again but he continue talking "and I fear that we might not be able to contact him again or even see him again, ever again" Kate looked devastated, I knew that Kate and Mr.Blofis were some kind of relatives, I think cousins but, I never knew that Kate knew Percy, the look on her face was no sympathy, it was pure personal hurt.

After that conversation I was completely sure that Percy was stuck in some bad place. After that conversation I had stopped asking mr.Blofis for news about Percy because it seemed that he had no news either. I was starting to think that I wouldn't see Percy Jackson ever again.
This story will have a second part, though I don't know for when.
It would be amazing if you could give me Ideas of what you want to happen.
I will try to make update as fast as possible.

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