Chapter 3 - Annual Lifeguard Challenge? Game On

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"LETS GO!" Haynes cheered as the first lot of lads lined up to start the lifeguard annual race of a 400 metre run and swim, 800 metre paddle and then 200 metre run to the finish line.

"PLACE YOUR BETS!" Kert and Ricci yelled from behind a stall with other half's, parents and children putting down who they think will win and what places others may come.

"How you feeling?" I playfully nudged Luke in the ribs but he didn't find it funny.

"Fine" he hissed before walking away to the start line.

"Someone had their bowl of bitchflakes this morning" I sighed as I leant against the railing next to Harrison

"Luke again?"

"Yeah?! I don't understand what he problem is" I put my hands up in defeat, he was such hard work.

"We don't really know either, he's been so off with everyone ever since you've arrived, he's causing everyone difficulty to be honest"

"Oh, well, I'm sorry" I sighed, wondering if his bad mood was because I was a girl on the team and he didn't like the fact a girl might be able to do better than him.

"I wouldn't worry mate, he'll get over himself at some point!" Harrison laughed as Kert called everyone to the starting line. Those who had later handicaps stayed behind whilst me and a few of the other recently new boys joined at the line, and I somehow met Luke along the way.

"May the best person win" I smiled putting out my hand for him to shake.

"I told you, don't place your bets. Even with a handicap, I'll still beat you" he laughing leaving me hanging with my handshake and walking away getting ready. I looked around to see a few of the boys watching, I shrugged and returned to the line.

"Yeah Liv, you too, good luck this will be fun" I mimicked what I'd have liked Luke to have said whilst shaking and imaginary hand and pulling a funny face, Joe & Harrison thought I was hilarious, others not so much.

"Right lads and Liv, the rules are simple. Run 400 metres, swim 400 metres, paddle 800 metres, then run another 200 metres to cross the finish line, NO CHEATING" we all nodded in confirmation as Kert  smiled

"Right, if you're ready, we'll make a start".

Suddenly I got nervous, I was doing consistent exercise but this would definitely take it's toll on me. I started to sweat as I clenched my palms, I didn't want to be the girl that falls and is hurting at the end, I'd be so embarrassed.

"On your marks"

There's nothing I can do now, if I struggle then I struggle, as long as I don't black out I should be okay.

"Get set"

I had to beat Luke anyway, I won't let my Heart Condition screw me over in something I'm so proud to be doing, this was not going to hold me back.



Forcing myself over the waves on the paddle board was a little more than strenuous, my whole body was in agony, my heart was pumping and I felt weak. I was halfway through the 800 metre paddle and in 2nd place, but I wanted to give in. I was dizzy, I'd been sick twice already, I felt weak and my whole body felt battered, I'd started to wheeze when I breathe.

But Luke hadn't overtaken me, and I didn't want that to change, so I paddled on harder and harder until I started to loom In the swell of Honolulu Beach, I could see the crowds of families and lifeguards who didn't participate on the sand.

"Come on Liv" I whispered under my breath trying to push myself along as a wave loomed under my board and picked me up. Running up the beach and throwing my board onto the floor I started the last leg of the challenge, I felt like my head was going to burst.

I could hear my heartbeat in my ears and my breathing was getting heavier but I could see the finish line and Harry up ahead of me, I wasn't going to give up now, but my body was. My legs gave way from underneath and I fell to the ground onto my knees and I didn't get back up

"LIV YOU'RE SO CLOSE" I heard a muffled voice yell and yell and yell almost like an echo in my mind, I couldn't give up this close. Suddenly I felt two arms hook around mine and lift me upwards, I got onto my feet and wobbled around before steadying, the arms still holding me.

"You good mate?" Jackson smiled, looking concerned as ever as he let go slowly.

"Just do me a favour" I puffed as he nodded.

"Run ahead, and when I get to the finish line have yourself ready to catch me" I breathed as I have him a light push with all my strength as of to say 'go' and he ran on slowly. Taking my first step I felt like my bones ached, but I couldn't give up.

"I'm so close come ON" I yelled trying to motivate myself as I started to move, not even 100 metres now and I was starting to cry as my breathing hitched. I was so breathless and struggling and wheezing, I felt almost as if I was dying.

When I crossed the finish line the cheers and screams and shouting about how I'd come 3rd in my first Lifeguard Challenge were muffled and blurry, the world was slowly disappearing into a black hole, I knew I'd worked myself too hard and my condition couldn't take it.

And just like I asked Jackson was there ready to catch me as I fell, and fall I did as I crashed into him collapsing into his arms and blacking out.

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