Final Authors Note

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It's all over everyone and I'm sad!

Thank you guys for reading "Miracle Girl" it took a lot longer to write than I thought but I'm really really proud of this and I hope you are too!!

I've started university now so I'm a busier bee than I ever thought I would be!

(The photo is a brief idea of how much partying I've been doing recently at uni;
Wanna see more my insta is: _missjmills_  & I'm Loving life)

hopefully after a period of time I should have an amazing action thrilled story out for you guys, I'll give you more details on that soon I promise but it's going to be epic, I've already started writing!!

My biggest thank you and someone who I wrote this story for is OliviaAngellYatesy , without her I wouldn't have even dreamt of writing this story, but then we got talking and here we are!!

This story is dedicated to Liv, and I really want to thank you for your support, you really are the best!

Go check out her page guys she writes some amazing things too!!


I hope you all enjoyed reading "Miracle Girl" as much as I did writing it

Now that you've finished, why don't you go tell your friends about it? Share it with everyone!

Also, favourite your favourite chapter? Pretty please?? I want to know from you guys what your favourite chapter in this fanfiction is!

The feedback is Always appreciated

So much love to all you wonderful lot

Especially you OliviaAngellYatesy

Muchos love, Stay strong, Keep dreaming, and follow those dreams, fulfil those ambitions

I adore you all ❤️

Jessica xxxxxxx

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