Chapter 25

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Kerri P.O.V

Today was supposed to be the day I brought my babies home, but instead I was only taking my son. We were headed to Daquan hotel room since he didn't trust my condo which I don't blame him. The pictures finally came back and I identified Ashley as the person dressed up in a nurse uniform. I message her sister Jordin to see if she knew her whereabouts, but I haven't heard anything back from her either. I should of took what Jordin told me more seriously I should had called the police when Ashley first showed up I should have known and planned for her if she did try to take my baby. I can't help but to feel as though this is my fault I'm the one that let Ashley in our lives giving her the opportunity to take Sierra.

"Hello" Daquan said into his phone snapping me out my thoughts. "Where are you? Are you so stuck up your new kids ass you forgot your other sons football game" the person on the other end said angrily which I assumed it was Kristen.

"No I didn't something came up" Daquan glanced over at me as I pretended to find something more interesting out the window.

"What could be more important to your kids game your supposed to be there for them not just forget about them cuz some new bitch gave you two more to give a shit about." I rolled my eyes she better watch who she calling a bitch she must got the game fucked up. "You better have a good ass reason why your not coming Daquan" she went on.

"My daughter was kidnapped the night before last" he muttered into the phone. She was silent for a second "Quan I'm sorry I didn't know" she said softening her tone.

"I'm not in the mood to talk about it I'll call you later"

"Ok, I hope they find her" she whispered.

Walking into the Marriott penthouse was not what I expected. It was spacious way bigger than my apartment I stood there just taking it all in I felt my stress level go from a high ten to a low eight. My phone vibrated bringing me back to reality. I looked at it my front screen indicated I had a Facebook message from Jordin "Daquan" I yelled he rushes over with Lucas in his arms stirring him.

"Yeah, is it about Sierra" he leaned over my shoulder and read the message with me.

"Kerri in sorry I couldn't get to you sooner I'm not supposed to be writing you Ashley threatened me when I walked in on her at her old house where she used to live at and was going to raise her daughter at. I was suspicious when I was driving past there a few days ago and I saw her moving baby furniture in there. Anyway she has your daughter I don't know how much longer she'll be in town now that I know, but I would act fast the address is 1307 east Moore rd. please hurry she can't get away this. And no police that will set her off."

I looked back at Daquan "we have to go now." I said headed for the door

"No I'll go you stay here with Lucas I'm not putting another child in the way of that bitch" he yelled.

"Quan she doesn't even know you she's not just going to give Sierra over to you I know her I can't talk to her"

"Talk to her!!!! That bitch has my child fuck the talking ain't going to be no talking when I have a gun to her head"

"A gun" I shrieked "your going to go shorting around our baby what if you shoot her huh, then what." I paused to breathe "we'll both go and don't bring your gun in not risking my kids lives. I'll call the cops on the way" Daquan exhaled sharply but didn't object i dialed detective Jacobs number and told her the address she said she'll meet us there and promised they'll come in silent.

We pulled up to the address Jordin gave me surprisingly it looked vacant, but I guess if your trying to hide it it's supposed to look vacant. "Your sure this the right address" Daquan asked quizzically

"Yeah I'm sure" I said stepping out the car Daquan took Lucas from his car seat and handed him to me I nestled his head into my Breast to comfort him. "the cops still haven't arrived here yet "what's taking the cops so long" I asked aloud. Daquan shrugged "I dunno and I'm not waiting to find out if my daughter is behind those doors then I'm going to get her" I shook my head in agreement "you stay behind me so nothing happens to yall" he said sternly. We walked up the straight path to her house as we got closer I saw the curtains move I grabbed Daquan arm he nodded his head letting me know he saw it to. Daquan knocked on the door we heard stumbling and stuff being knocked over inside Daquan motioned for me to take a step back as he ram the door with his left shoulder. It opened with a loud pop making me flinch. No lights was on in the house but the sun shone so bright we didn't need it.

"What is going on" Ashley yelled at us she was sitting in a rocking chair feeding Sierra.

"My baby" I shrieked about to run towards her but Daquan held me back.

"Your baby" Ashley looked at me as if I had lost my mind and stood up "this is my daughter Julia who are you and why are y'all busting in my house"

Daquan took a timid step towards them but Ashley backed up she looked the same but different she had a crazed look in her eye and her hair was wild and natted to her head. "That baby in your hands is ours" Daquan said stretching his hands out and walking towards them "I need you to give her to me"

Ashley held Sierra tighter to her chest "no see this is Julia I had her, this is my baby" she smiled sweetly. I took a step forward afraid she was holding on to her to tightly "Quan" I whispered Daquan took another step towards her "just hand me the baby" he said inching closer to her until he was right in front of her. He reached for Sierra "noooooo" Ashley shrieked but Daquan already had Sierra from her grip I rushed over and took Sierra in my empty arm and shifted my weight so Lucas didn't wake up. "My baby" I cooed in her ear crying tears of joy.

"Get them out of here" Daquan yelled towards me I turned around and half ran half walked to the door. I was halfway across the room when I heard Ashley laughing menacingly "your not going anywhere" I paused as I heard the gun cock I turned around to see her pointing it at my forehead I looked at Daquan and he was staring directly at her. "Kerri go" he order

"Take one more step and I'll blow your fucking brains.." Ashley started before she could finish Daquan swung his left hook and hit her right in the face knocking her down. She lost her balance and the gun slid across the floor.

"Goooo" Daquan shouted at me. I ran the rest of the way towards the door and opened it I looked back and saw them both wrestling for the gun. "Kerri"Daquan yelled again Ashley took her cue and elbowed him. I ran out side and straped each baby into their car seat. In the distant I heard the police sirens coming closer. "mommy will be back" I said to them I turned towards the house I couldn't leave Daquan behind my kids can't grow up with out their father.

"Miss stay back" the police officer said sternly.

"My kids father is in there the girl that kidnap my daughter has a gun" I yelled. The gun went off inside the house I sprinted towards the door with a squad load of officers behind me "Daquan" I yelled. I threw open the door and saw Daquan lying in a pool of blood unmoving.

"Nooooo" I cried running over to him I grabbed him "Quan don't leave me. He's not breathing" I yelled to the cop

"Stand back miss" one of the officers said to me. "I need a medic at 1307 Moore st" he said in his walkie.

"Does he have a pulse" another officer said checking his neck "barely"

"There's no sign of the girl here" another officer said

"Daquan" I said to him as tears ran down my face and snot came out my nose "you have to stay with me your kids need you" I cried "and I need you Quan please I love you" I said.


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