Chapter 22

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"Ashley how did you know? What are you doing here? I stammered.

She turned around and smiled at me "Well hello to you to god I missed you" she said rushing over to me and hugging me. "Their so beautiful" she exclaimed looking at them again.

"How did you know we were here" I asked again pulling away from her grip.

"Well I called your phone and you didn't pick up and you weren't at home so I just figured you were at the hospital so I came and asked for your name and they sent me up here."

"Where have you been I've been calling you and I went by your house, your house looked like someone broke in everything was on the floor and I got worried I called the police, but they didn't really help." I asked I kept the part that I had talked to her sister out of it so I can find out the real truth.

"No need to worry no more I'm fine I just had to go out of town for a few days I had a family issue."

"Family issue?" I asked unsure.

"Yes people have those you know" she giggled.

If she really had a family issues why did Jordin say she didn't see her in awhile is it possible that she was the one that was lying? "Where's your baby?" I asked her

She smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes "oh she's home with the sitter, Her name is Julia god she's so precious I can't wait for our little girls have a play date" Julia the same name as the dead baby that Jordin mention. "Do you have a picture so I can see" I asked nonchalantly trying to see if Ashley would make up an excuse to not show the picture of the supposedly dead baby.

"My phone died. Why are you asking so many questions like your trying to accuse me of something."

"I'm not i was just wondering"

She took a step closer to me and narrowed her eyes "well stop asking"

I took a step back what if everything Jordin said was true and Ashley really is unstable. "I think you should go" I said firmly

She smirked "why I just got here and I didn't get to hold your babies yet"

"I think it's best if you left" I stated firmly.

She looked at me through slit eyes "I thought you trusted me Kerri you have one conservation with my sister and now you look at me like I'm the bad guy?"

"How you know I talked to her?"

She laughed and shook her head"Just because you didn't see me doesn't mean I didn't see you" she smiles walking away.

"Ashley!" I yelled out, she didn't didn't stop walking. I couldn't help, but to feel half bad maybe I should have just been straight with her and asked her the truth, but the way she was acting I had a feeling I already knew the truth.

If what Jordin said was I true I need to keep my kids near me at all times just to be safe. "Excuse me miss" I called the nurse "is it ok if I could have my babies back now I miss them so much" I asked giving her a pleading look. "Sure I'll roll them right down to your room" she replied

Having my kids back in my sight sent relief down my spine I don't want to take no chances. I picked up my phone and stared at Daquan number debating if i should tell him I had them or not. He made it clear he wanted no parts, but that was when I was pregnant he might feel different now that there here. Maybe I should just send him a picture and let it go from there he can't deny the fact that they look exactly like him. I took a picture of both babies and sent them to Daquan and waited for a reply. Five mins later Daquan number pop up on my phone I guess he does care if he's calling.

"Hello" I said timidly in the phone. Silence. "Hello Daquan" I repeated a sharp exhale startle me

"Who is this" a women's voice said.

"Shit" I muttered "um is Daquan there"

"Are those babies my husband"

I exhaled before answering i didn't mean for his wife to see he should been the one to tell her himself now I guess the cats out the bag now my twins look just like their father there's no point in denying it "yes" I said dryly.

She was silent for a minute or two I sat listening to her breathe thinking of something to say, but there's nothing j could say to make things better. "Look Kristen I think"

"So you know who I am?

I mentally slapped my forehead good going kerri "yes, I knew he had a wife I'm not going to sit here and justify my action, but I think you should talk to Daquan first"

"No I'm asking you women to women how long have you been sleeping with my husband?"

"Everything you want to know Daquan can answer" I said firmly and hung up. I put my head in my hands I had a bad feeling that all hell was about to break lose.

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