Chapter 21

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Kerri P.O.V

I walked inside of Bojangles and instantly recognized Jordin her resemblance to Ashley was undeniable. They both had long auburn hair and brown almond shaped eyes and a light Carmel complexion.

"Hi" I said taking a seat across from her.

"Hi, wow you're so radiant and beautiful how far along are you" she asked

"Seven months, I'll be eight next week"


"WoW" I said trying to switch the subject "you and Ashley look so much alike"

"Unfortunately that's where it stops at" she paused looking sad "you see my sister all her life she suffered from schizoaffective And last year around this time she was pregnant with a little girl my niece Julia. She was a still born and Ashley didn't take her death to well. she sunk into a deep depression and the doctors prescribe her Seroquel She was fine after that than she believed she was cured and stop taking her meds. After that she became friends with another pregnant girl and convinced her to let her be her nanny to the girl daughter and then she tried to kidnaped the baby."

I gasped.

Jordin went on "the judge ruled her unstable and let her go and order her to talk to a therapist and to start to take her meds again. We thought she was fine until I saw her last month I knew something was different about her even though she seemed perfectly fine that was the issue. Her therapist haven't seen her in three months and she never went to the pharmacy to refill her pills. So when you wrote me telling me my sister was eight months pregnant I knew she was unstable again."

"Unstable as in shes going to try to kidnap my baby" i stammered.

"Maybe, she only did it once before, but if I could guess I would say your caring a little girl right?"

"Umm both actually I'm having twins"

"Word of advice" she paused and looked around making sure no one was listening. "Stay away from Ashley and make sure she doesn't come close to your daughter."

I let her words sink in thinking back of the times I spent with Ashley "I know I only known Ashley for a few months, but she never gave me an indication that there was something off about her I would had noticed it right?" I asked more so asking myself than her

"Sometimes the most unstable people can blend it with normalcy so well."

"So you mean to tell me Ashley has been lying to me all this time pretending she was pregnant just to steal my baby for what? To replace the child she lost I'm sorry this is all just a little unethical."

"Unethical" she repeated "I'm risking my life trying to help you" she said getting up to leave.

"Risking your life how?" I asked, but she had already left.


Two month later...

I doubled over in pain clutching my stomach as water slid down my legs. I rushed to my car glad my hospital bag was already pre packed and inside. I decided not to call the ambulance because I know it will be another hour before they arrive.

Ooh I'm not going to make it I cried wincing in pain trying to steady the wheel. "Stay in there y'all" I chanted

Six hours later I gave birth to a handsome boy name Lucas and a beautiful girl name Sierra they both had Daquan skin complexion and his light brown eyes.

"God their so perfect" I said looking lovingly into both of their eyes as tears fell out of hers.

"I have to take them to get there hearing and sight tested. We'll be right down the hall you can look through the glass of nursery to see them" the nurse said.

"Ok" I said letting her take them reluctantly.

After an hour I couldn't stand being away from them I got a nagging feeling something wasn't right. I grabbed my IV and headed down the hall to the nursery. The person standing in front of the nursery stopped me in my tracks.

Ashley I breathe.

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