Chapter 17

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I waited until Daquan left and jumped in his other car his blue Bentley. I knew exactly where he was going since his dumb ass left the paper with the girl on the phone address on the nightstand.

Kristen deserve so much better than him he's a cheater if she never called he would of cheated with me her own sister. Well adoptive sister our parents lost their second baby and mom couldn't have anymore kids afterwards so they decided to adopt me at ten weeks old. In a way I always knew I was adopted I looked nothing like our mother and father and Kristen was a spitting image so I asked my dad when I was eight years old why I looked different he told me then that I was a gift from God when they could no longer have anymore kids.

I always looked up to Kristen growing up she was smart, beautiful and every guy she came across wanted her. I always felt as though I was living in her shadow our parents never said anything to us, but I know they wished I got straight A's like Kristen and got half of the awards she received. I was the one always sent to the principal office or suspended "the problem child" is what they called me unlike the precious Kristen who could do no wrong. I frowned at the memory maybe getting cheated on is what little miss perfect deserves.

I parked a block away from the hotel and did a quick sweep of the hotel lobby making sure Daquan was no where insight to see me. I gotta blend in I thought slipping in to the maids closet. I put on a uniform and pulled my hair back into a tight pony tail. I stashed my clothes behind the door in the corner incase I got to make a hasty getaway.

The paper said room 416 I hopped in to the elevator and pressed 4th floor. 414, 415 finally 416 I pressed my ear to the and listened it sound like an argument coming from inside I pressed my ear closer to the door "so why didn't you get an abortion" Daquan yelled. My mouth fell open he got some other bitch pregnant I knew his ass was cheating on my sister. I pressed my ear firmly to the door again. "Twins" the girl said.

I gasped twins as in two little bastard he made I shook my head in disgrace.

"Excuse me miss I need fresh towels" a guy said poking his head out from down the hall.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance "I didn't get to your door yet"

He shook his head it went back inside. I was about to press my ear up to the door again just as it opened. I quickly turned my attention to the fresh linen.

I watched out the corner of my eye at Daquan storming off. I have got to see this girl I thought.

"Miss are you ever going to get up here" the man said.

"If you come outta that room again asking for towels I'm going skip your room for the rest of your stay on purpose you will never see a fresh towel again" I snapped he paused for a second then slammed the door. "Asshole " I whispered.

I knocked on her door "who is it" she called out

"House keeping"

She opened the door "oh I don't need any extra towel I just checked in and I leave tomorrow"

"Are you ok" I asked trying to sound concerned

"Yeah allergies" she lied smiling

"How far along are you" I asked trying to get as much information as I could.

"Seven months"

"Was that the father I saw storming out of here"

She gave me a look "I'll just take the towels" she said taking them and closing the door.

"Bitch" I muttered laughing to myself.

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