Chapter 10

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Kerri P.O.V

Today is my first doctor appointment to make sure my baby is healthy I sat outside the clinic nervous. Your supposed to do this with the father right I thought to myself sulking. Maybe I should have told Daquan about the baby regardless of how I felt he should know right? No, I did the right thing he would never leave his family for me even if I am carry his child.

I got out my car and walked into the clinic. I filled out the necessary paper work and waited for my name to be called. I looked around the doctor office seeing a lot of couples a few stared at me probably wondering where my baby father was. I rolled my eyes and picked up a magazine and pretended to be interested.

"Ms. Wilson, the doctor will see you now" the nurse said.

I got up quickly and followed her into the back.

"You can undress and put this gown on the doctor will be with you momentarily." She said handed me a hospital gown.

I took it and mumbled a thank you before she headed out the door. I slip my clothes off and put the gown on.

About twenty minutes later the obstetrician finally came.

"How are you today Ms.Wilson?"

"Please call me Kerri" I said "I'm fine"

"Very well, is this your first pregnancy"

"Yes" I said fiddling with my thumbs

He asked me a few more questions and then got a Doppler stethoscope to listen to the heart beat.

"Your babies heart beat is very strong" he said smiling.

I laughed "I'm sorry I thought your said babies"

He looked at me seriously "I did there are two heart beats"

"My baby has two hearts how is that possible" I asked.

He chucked "no Kerri your baby has one heart beat and the other baby has one heart beat"

I felt the air leave my lungs "babies" I repeated clutching my stomach.

"You're having twins" he said eagerly "I'm going to prescribe you your prenatal pills and you'll be free to go"

Ok I said caught up in my thoughts. Yes, one child I was ok with having, but now two. How am I going to raise two kids on my own I thought to myself.

I placed my hand on my stomach and felt little flutters making me cry. "My babies" I said rubbing them.

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