Chapter 9

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Daquan P.O.V

I woke up the next day mad Kerri blocked me on all social networks and changed her number I was tempted to hire a private investigator, but maybe her leaving was for the best. She probably found some new guy and didn't know how to tell me. I shook my head in disgust I know her ass wasn't cheating on me though nor could she leave me for another nigga. So why the hell would she up and leave I thought to myself.

I can't even deny her just leaving effected me, I feel like I lost my best friend. No matter how hard we try to deny it we were more than just sex if it wasn't for the family I already built I would love to spend the rest of my life with her.

The first day we met 2 years ago in Vegas for my best friend lil Monty bachelor party. She had on a white fitted dress that hugged her curves perfectly I walked over to her and offered to buy her a drink, but she refused saying she could buy her own. I told her about my wife and kids from the start and we were nothing but friends for about two months.

We would text each other everyday until one night I got home late from work and Kristen wanted to argue about how bad of a husband I am. So I decided to call Kerri and invite her to the bar 4 Loko. A couple drink later we ended up back at her house.

We agreed to keep it strictly sex no feelings involved. I told her upfront I would never leave my wife and kids. I gotta admit Kerri did play her role well she never confronted Kristen not even the one time she saw us in Target, she walked by us like she didn't even know me. She never put our business on social network or complain the night I had to leave her to go home.

John Legend "all of me" started playing on my phone snapping me out my thoughts.

"What Kristen" I said a little annoyed

"There's been an accident I need you to come to Hope hospital now" she yelled crying hysterically into the phone.

"What, is it one of the boys" I yelled grabbing my jacket and car keys

"The doctor is coming now, get here" she said between sobs before hanging up.

"Kristen" I stared at my screen saver of Kristen and my twins in horror before jumping in my car and speeding to the hospital.

God please if you can hear me please let my kids be alright I prayed silently.

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