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I wake from my slumber to hear my door slowly unlocking. I reach for my wand and hold it under the covers, pretending to stay asleep. I hear the footsteps of the intruder creep slowly up to my bed, then I suddenly sit up to cast a spell. Before I could, my wand is thrown from my hands. "Lumos!" the familiar voice yells. It's Draco. "What the fuck Draco?!" I spit. "Do you really think I wasn't going to come to talk to you about your little outburst" he says. "Draco, YOU drove me to that. It's okay though, I understand now. You just wanted to take my purity from me, and then go about your business" I say. His face cold and distant like a statue, his mouth not daring to move or make a sound.

"I'm glad you did though. Now I have nothing left of myself to hold onto. I suppose it was the only thing keeping me pure and sane, but I feel so much better now. I don't have a care in the world. Nothing left to lose" I begin to grin. I can't help but let out a guttural laugh along with it. I really do feel free, truly I do.

Draco's POV

She's gone mad. What the fuck have I done? I've driven her to insanity. If only she knew how I truly felt about Pansy, how I couldn't care less. How the day I met her, Pansy couldn't have meant less to me. That the day I met her, everything began to change for me. My whole perspective on my life changed. I needed her. I can't lose her to her own mind. I won't let her struggle with her emotions in front of me like this, I need to leave her alone, before I begin to lose myself.

Y/n's POV

He slowly backs away before leaving me there, trying to compose myself from the laughter. He walks out of the dorm and closes the door behind him. A very subtle emotion of loneliness breaks through the surface but I push it down, probably just tiredness. I lay down and try my hardest to sleep, but Mattheo's face keeps playing in my mind. Though, the pleasant feeling of his memory is hindered by the hatred I have for Draco. He's done nothing but hurt me, or try to. You can't hurt someone that hurts their own body and mind. I pull out my wand and begin to sear the skin on the arm opposite to the dark mark. The burning of my flesh only making me feel more alive than anything. I stop when I realise it's burning a bit too deep. Satisfaction of the pain I've caused, I turn over and begin to fall back to sleep.


Another day, another meeting. I remember Harry saying there was one scheduled this morning during his speech. Sunday's were always my favourite day, as it was usually the last day I had to endure my parent's before school started for the week and I could at least have 6 hours away from them. As I get dressed, I look at the damage I caused last night. The burn tender to the touch, so I press hard onto it, to re-live the beautiful pain. It makes me forget everything I had thought I felt, bringing me back to the numbness I have become comfortable with.

I dress myself in a pair of track pants and a hoodie. I'm not feeling super awake today so, comfortable clothing it is. I throw my robe on and tie my hair back into a low bun, swipe some makeup over my face to rid myself of the dark circles and begin to walk down the stairs into the common room. I notice the blonde white hair and his followers eyes boring into me as I walk toward the exit. "Going somewhere, y/n?" he speaks up, winning a giggle from thing 1 and thing 2. I sigh, turning harshly toward where they're sitting. I walk up behind both Crabbe and Goyle, swiftly banging their heads together in one motion. I hear them both complaining but my grin is fixed on Draco, begging him to say something. "Shut up you two" he snarls before cocking his head to the side at me. "Do you feel better now? Do you feel strong?" he says condescendingly. I cock my head in the same manner as he did. "Hmmm not yet, maybe I should go fuck Pansy. I mean, that seems to be how you feel powerful" I say.

To assert dominance (Draco x Mattheo)Where stories live. Discover now