Chapter 17~ Deja vu

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"So we meet again, under similar circumstances"

  Amelia gasped and looked up at Tom, he of course wasn't looking back at her, he just stared off at the stars. For once in his life, he looked peaceful.

Amelia tried to hold her self together but another quiet sob escaped her lips, "What are you doing her Tom?" She turned her head to look at him, but he didn't glance her way.

"I thought I'd find you here, Rora- I mean Aurora sent me to go look for you, I walked into the hall as you ran out."

Amelia blushed like mad, "I- no one else saw me right?" She didn't want anymore rumours about her.

  "Well, Rora- I mean Aurora told anyone who asked that you forgot your homework for professor Slughorn god forbid you ruin your chances of being his favourite pupil."

  Amelia let out a small laugh, "Tom his 'Favourite Pupil' is most definitely you!" Amelia sighed and looked away. "So what's going on with you and Rora- I mean Aurora." Amelia mocked.

  Tom's cheeks turned a rosy pink and he got all flustered, "What? Nothing why?"

  Amelia let out a small laugh but behind it was disappointment, she wouldn't tell anyone, no she couldn't! She couldn't tell anyone that she liked Tom Riddle.

~~~~~~{TIME SKIP}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  It was a restless night for Amelia, she couldn't believe she like Tom, she didn't want to, but there was something different about him. She wasn't sure if it was a good type of different or not, she had a feeling she'd find out soon.

  Amelia sighed as she got out her bed and put a robe on over her night gown, she made her bed and slowly left her dormitory, only the sound of her socks hitting the ground could be heard.

  Once she got down to the common room she slowly made her way out the door and slipped into the darkness of the dungeons.

  Amelia walked for what felt like hours but in reality was only 30 minutes. She walked past the girls 2nd floor lavatory where a girl died the year prior. Her name was Myrtle Warren? She didn't know much about the girl other than the fact she was a Ravenclaw muggle-born and was bullied by Olive Hornby.

  Although, Olive and Myrtle were younger than her she saw them often. Well, there was never one without the other! Of course Olive bullied her and hated her, but it turned into an obsession. Amelia didn't like either of the girls, Myrtle was, well... who even liked her? Olive was flat out annoying and always thought all the boys wanted her, which they obviously didn't.

  Headmaster Dippet, said it all happened because a third year boy named Hagrid had a spider and set it loose, but that didn't sound very believable to Amelia, Tom got an award for it but she just wondered how Tom was at the right place at the right time?

  Amelia was thankful Tom found him though, her mother wanted to send her to Beauxbaton, it isn't a bad school or anything in fact it seemed nice but she knew that there would be Paisley Parkinson's EVERYWHERE.

  Paisley and Amelia didn't always hate each other, in fact they were friends before Hogwarts but things changed and that's a story for another time.

  She kept on walking through the halls until she reached the kitchens, how she got there? She didn't know. She felt drawn to it, like something was going to happen.

  She reached over and tickled the pear like Abra- Malfoy, like Malfoy told her. The portrait swung open and she made her way in, she could hear voices so she moved to the side. What was she going to do now? She's been caught.

  There was no turning back so she looked past the corner and found Malfoy sitting there, alone looking into the fire. She felt a tug on her gown and saw Dobby standing there, "what would mistress-"

  Amelia covered his mouth and put her finger to her lips, thankfully Dobby got the mention, but not soon enough.

  "Who's there?"

  Amelia internally groaned, Salazar she was caught.

  "Amelia? What are you doing here?"

  She looked up at him and quickly averted her eyes away. "I could ask you the same thing, Malfoy."

  He looked taken a back by how cold she was towards him, despite the last time they were in the kitchens together. Some house elves started to look over but with one glance at Amelia, who looked ready to burst into tears, they looked away.

  "Back to last name basis?"

  "Yes, now I'll take my leave!" Amelia turned away to leave once more but he caught her elbow.

  "What did I do? We were fine a week ago."

   "That was a week ago... things change."

  Amelia ripped her arm from his grasp and ran to the second floor girls lavatory where she knew he wouldn't follow, or she thought.

WORDS: 877

Sorry I haven't updated in a while I've been busy anywho I hope you enjoy!
  And if you are looking for a good Draco Malfoy book go read IDFC by spencesunderagelover

Its so good and I'm dying to know what happens next!

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