Chapter 10~ I what?!?

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  "He's an ignorant git with an ego much to big for his pea sized brain, always thinks he's above everyone else, always flexing daddy's money and is just an all around toe rag!"

  That is what Aurora Nott, Druella Rosier and Walburga Black has to listen during dinner for the past half hour. They were a little frightened to say the least at their friends behaviour because all though they're aware she despises Abraxas (the whole school knows, although some of the teachers could be a bit thick) they never thought it was on this level of despise.

  There are no words that could describe Amelia Merope Gaunt's hatred for Abraxas Nicholas Malfoy. If he was on fire and she had the water to put the fire out, she'd drink the water slowly with a smirk on her face. She loathed the guy, if someone told you they used to be best friends when they were younger, you'd look at them like they had two heads and just tickled a sleeping dragon.

In conclusion they hate each other that's that.

Walburga had enough of Amelia's ranting and finally groaned which gained everyone's attention including Amelia's shockingly enough.

"Oh my goodness Amelia! You're talking about him so passionately that you'd think you were in love with him! If I didn't know better I'd say that this,"

She gestured with her hands

"Is just all an act and you're actually deeply in love with him like half the girls in this school!"

Aurora stifled a laugh, Druella chocked on her water, Cygnus who was near by talking to Orion and Tom whipped his head around so fast he got whiplash, Orion barked out laughing and Tom had a ghost of a smile on his face. Amelia however looked like she just ate a ghost pepper. Her face was bright red you could've mistaken it for a red traffic light.

"You what?!!!"

Amelia yelled with such anger even Aurora would've cowered away but not Walburga no, she was standing her ground.

  "Amelia we're not blind it's quite obvious you have a crush on him! So just give up this act you have around him and just admit it!"

  Now everyone was paying attention even the professors. This time Aurora was no longer trying to hold in her laughs, she was speechless with her mouth wide open, Druella was now full on chocking on her food, Cygnus rushed over to see if she was ok and even he was in shock, Orion was still laughing a little bit, but more of an awkward laugh, Tom was at a loss for words.

  To make matters worst Abraxas flipping Malfoy walked into the great hall, the two girls didn't seem to notice as Amelia was glaring at Walburga harder than ever before meanwhile Walburga had a know-it-all smirk on her face.

  "I don't know where you go that idea from Walburga but I do not have some silly crush on- on- on him!"

  Her face twisted into a look of disgust.

  "Yes you do! It's obvious the way you look at him! You have a crush on Malfoy wether you like it or not!"

The hall was left with gasps after that statement and Abraxas's ears perked up at the sound of his name, after for what felt like forever he finally came to a realization on what they were talking about. He turned bright red and his eyes went wide.

  Amelia gasped,

  "You take that back right now!"

  "No I will not, because it's the truth so talk to me again when you get that through your head!"

  "Well you'll be waiting a very long time!"

  With that she stormed to leave the great hall but not before walking by Abraxas who was looking at her with a look of pure confusion, her eyes only went even wider, she hadn't realized that he was there to, she walked out the great hall rather quickly and made her way to the astronomy tower. Even though curfew was about to start she didn't care.

  She didn't want to talk to anyone after that, not Aurora, not Druella and most certainly not Walburga. How could she do that? She knew she hated him and to say it in front of basically the whole school!

  A few tears managed to get through her eyes and after that they just kept coming, no matter what she tried she couldn't stop them, so there she was, Amelia Merope Gaunt, crying at the top of the Astronomy tower, how cliché.

  She felt as if the barriers she carefully crafted around her emotions were gone, after all these years of building them up so high, they all crumble down because of one of her closest friends.

  "How could she do that?"

"Because she's like that."

Amelia turned around once she heard the voice, she saw a tall brunette looking down at her.

"Tom! I- I didn't think anyone else would come here I'm sorry I can leave now if you'd like"

"Oh no it's alright, Aurora went crazy when she couldn't find you in the dormitory after curfew, she yelled at Walburga as well and I'm sure she'll apologize sooner or later. Aurora sent us all to go look for you and I guess I just so happened to find you first."

Amelia wipes her tears away but more just kept coming to replace them. Tom looked at the girl he's never seen cry, she always had a barrier around her emotions and it appears it's finally cracked.

"Oh you- you found me then..."

"Do you?"

Amelia was confused by his words, while still crying she replied,

"Do I what"

"Do you like him?"

It looked like it almost pained Tom to say those simple words, was Tom upset because he liked her? No he can't although these past few days... no! No! Tom Morvolo Riddle does NOT have a crush on Amelia Merope Gaunt!

"Are you bloody mental? No I don't like him, he hurt me too badly!"

"What did he do?"

At this point they were sitting next to each other and Tom grabbed Amelia's hand to comfort her, he's seen others do this many times although it was foreign for him he'd have to get use to somewhat caring for her.

Amelia on the other hand couldn't believe he was holding her hand like that! Tom never shows any signs of affection for anyone else, she also couldn't believe she was telling him this.

"Well- we use to be best friends before Hogwarts and when I say best friends I mean we have a wedding together when we were younger!"

Amelia had a soft smile on her face as she mentioned the wedding but it instantly vanished as she thought of something else.

"But when we arrived at Hogwarts, all that changed. I guess it wasn't cool for him to stay with me, a girl who never even left her big lonely mansion, I was only aloud to go to the Malfoy's and I went to Diagon Alley once, to get my wand and robes. So on the Hogwarts express we were sitting together then his other friends came in, Theodore Nott, Antonin Dolohov and Evan Rosier if I remuer correctly. He chose them over me I'd known him my whole life and he chose them"

  Amelia could feel the tears starting to form again but kept going,

  "At first I was hurt but then realized he just wanted to fit him so every time I tried to talk to him he'd ignore me or say horrible things about me, I just gave up, he quite obviously wasn't worth my time."

She glanced over at Tom to see his reaction only to see he was looking right at her.

  It felt like time just stopped and Amelia started leaning in when she heard footsteps. She jumped back five feet and let go of Tom's hand.

  "Finally I found you Amelia! I was so worried! Tom! You found her!"

  Aurora ran over to Amelia and brought her into a huge hug.

  "Don't ever do that again! I talked some sense into Walburga and she says she's sorry and feels really bad now. Now come let's get you to bed!"

  Aurora tends to act like the mother of the group but Amelia wasn't paying attention as Aurora made her stand, all she could do was glance at Tom, the boy she nearly kissed.


Words: 1440
Ok I made this chapter really long for everyone since I haven't updated in nearly two weeks and I hope you liked it!


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