A Quest for Hera

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Izuku felt nauseous, instead of eating s'mores with the others, he was currently sitting with tear tracks staining his cheeks while Percy and Jason talked to each other in a fury of words. Each one only getting out a word or two before the next cut in with something else, it was worse than the 2020 election debate, well... almost.

"We can't let him go! This is clearly some elaborate scheme to kill him off as she tried with everyone else!", Percy yelled. He was opposed to letting Izuku go, but his brother thought differently.

"He's old enough to go and besides I think she would have killed him already if she wanted him dead," His brother protested back. The tension in the room growing with each comment.

"What the hell Jason! Do you want him to go?"

Izuku felt the room close around him, the screaming pushing straight through him making him just want to shut them up.

"No! I'm just saying that it could be a reason for him to go! That doesn't mean I agree with it!"

Izuku slammed his eyes shut, trying to ignore the others. Tears began to trickle out once again. He didn't want this, he thought this would be easier than it was. He hadn't even started the quest and he was already waving his white flag.

He stood up suddenly, the chair making a brash sound.

"Can you two just Shut Up for one moment!", he cried out, successfully silencing them.

He opened his eyes to see his brother and Percy staring at him with wide eyes, "Yes, Izuku has a point. All of this bickering isn't helping any of us, especially not Izuku."

All of our heads whipped to Chiron, Izuku had honestly forgotten he was even there.

Izuku sniffed and looked down at the ground, not wanting to meet his mentors' gaze, "Listen, I know you guys care for me and just want what's best, but I'm going," He looked up locking eyes with Jason, "She's not going to kill me, and if she does decide that she wants to, who are we to stop her. She could kill me even if I was hiding in the safest, most protected place in the world."

Izuku had been grateful for the silence, but now he wasn't so sure; its eerieness ate him alive as he waited for someone to say something. His eyes once again trained on the floor.

"He's right, you know it." he heard Percy say with a soft voice.

"I'm sorry Izuku," Jason had his hand on Izuku's shoulder now, "I- uh-I didn't mean to scare you, we can't know what Hera's thinking with this, but you are right, " he added quietly.

"I'm going and that's the end of it," he got up and left the room, not meeting anyone's eyes as he walked past the fire to his cabin. He past Issac and Alex, both trying to catch his attention, but he just ignored them.


"What's wrong with him?", Alex asked as they watched Izuku walk past them in a fury they had never seen the happy go lucky boy in.

"Not sure, "Issac answered, "Stay here I'll go check on him.

Issac walked up to the large marble cabin, knocking on the giant door. He waited for a reply only to be met by silence.

Stealing himself he walked in. Everyone at camp always teased Izuku for being a cry baby but Issac had never actually seen him cry.... until now.

The tears were silently falling as Izuku tried to hold back the shaking of his shoulders, Issac stood in shock, Izuku's eyes glued to the floor.

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