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A moment later, a head popped out. The fur was a lighter green then Scourge's was. One ear had peircings on it, and this hedgehogs hairdo was funky. The mystery hedgehog was wrapped in a thick blanket. Scourge placed a hand to the doorframe behind Shadow, finishing off his cigarette.

"That's why."


《Normal POV》

The two hedgehogs at the doorway watched as the other crawled out from the mound he was under, stretching his arms out before rubbing his eyes.  The ebony hedgehog was overly confused at all of this.  Behind him, Scourge made his way around the other to walk into the room.  Dropping his cigarette on the ground on his way in.  Shadow had noticed the many smashed cigarette butts that littered the floor here.  "The hell you mean that's why?" He asked back after a few more moments, watching as Scourge placed a hand atop the smallers head, ruffling up his weird hair and earning a sleepy grumble.  "This is Manic, as much as I love the bastered, he's been trying to find his brother for a while now.  He's trying to find Sonic." The darker green hedgehogs voice became serious as he spoke, Manic pushing his hand off his head before looking to Shadow.  The ebony was silent, not knowing if he should believe any of this.  Sonic had said he had siblings, he didn't say there names though.  All he said was that they each went off on they're own.

If Manic was his brother, it was clear that he was sticking with the wrong crowd.  Anyone could probably tell after looking into his eyes once, or his whole demeanor in general.  His brown eyes where definitely eye catching, but Shadow could catch a hinge of something else there that set him on edge.  And he couldn't help but be reminded of Sonic.

It reminded him of Sonic.

Manic slowly rubbed his head, Scourge pushing his hands into his pockets.  For the first time throughout the whole time Shadow was here, Scourge looked worried.  Concerned actually, as he looked at the lighter green hedgehog standing next to him.  "Why should I believe you?" The ultimate lifeform slowly murmured out, any past anger gone for at least a moment.  His wound was burning and he felt the need to double over in pain, but he stayed standing.  "Be-" Scourge started, but Manic cut him off quickly, "You can't man, you just...gotta trust us on this one.  I heard he was here.." Manic murmured out the last part.  He was dressed in slightly the same attire Scourge was in.  Bandages, shoes, gloves, and a worn down bandana that he must have borrowed from the taller.  The thing's that were different though, was the orange sleeveless jacket like thing he wore, and the spike bands around his wrist.  Along with a drum looking medallion draped around his neck by a chain.

The ebony furrowed his eyebrows in thought.  Pushing his side against the doorframe as he sighed.  "Alright fine..." he ushered out finally, watching as Manic's eyes lit up, but that dark haze stayed over them.  "But on one condition."  Scourge frowned when he heard the other say this, but Manic nodded quickly.

"Of course! What is it?"

《Normal POV》

Sonic was back inside his room.  Sitting on his bed.  He couldn't handle that pressure then, and just left.  Now he sat in silence while wrapping his arm up again.  Gritting his teeth.  He knew his friends were probably right, that Shadow most likely just used them for some sort of game.  But deep down he didn't believe that, deep down he felt like something was wrong.  Why would he spend so much time building a house just to not use it in the end?  Why would he try and help the azure hedgehog?  Why?

Questions rattled off in Sonic's head as he finished up.  Once he was done he glanced around his room, frowning.  Was he only feeling this because he had a crush on Shadow?  Probably.  Sonic stood up, heading to the door of his room and opened it, stepping out.  Either way, he didn't believe Shadow did anything.  He believed something happened, that the blood was Shadow's.  But then that lead to two different conclusions.  Either Shadow was trying to hurt someone and instead got hurt himself, or, someone jumped him.  And the hero didn't like either of these conclusions.

But he still had to try and do something, he couldn't just sit by and watch his friends do all the work.  And what if the ebony really was in trouble?  What if he was bleeding out somewhere on the verge of death?  His stomach churned at the thought.  Sonic made his mind up right there.  He was gonna find Shadow and figure out what the hell happened.

And that'd be the very last heroic thing he'd do again.

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