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[Normal POV]

Shadow rubbed his head before noticing Sonic wasn't in his hold anymore. He looked around the room to find the azure propped up against the window peering out at the scenery.

As quietly as he could he got out of the bed and walked up behind Sonic. The azure must of been deep in thought because he didn't turn around to see what or who was making noise behind him. The ebony walked up next to him. Just then Sonic noticed and jumped back from the window ears flicking up. "When did you get up?!" "Just a moment ago..."

Sonic shook his head before taking a deep breath "Whatever...it doesn't matter..." He stated softly. Shadow lifting a eyebrow but not saying anything.


The group walked outside. Shadow disappearing off somewhere else. Sonic had stooped to look across the ocean. Sand crunching underneath him. Amy quickly came up behind him "When do you wanna go?"

Sonic immediately turned to the pink hedgehog. "We can head out now." He stated with a smile. Though he forced it the other didn't notice and smiled back. "Great! Come on!"

Amy grabbed his arm and pulled him foreword. Lucky for the azure it was the arm that he didn't cut.

Amy dragged him over to the line of trees and then let go of his arm. The two walking into the entanglement of bushes and trees.

[Shadow's POV]

I walked back just in time to see Amy dragging Sonic off somewhere. "Great no what am I supposed to do without someone to bicker at? I guess I could go annoy Knuckles...yeah I'll go do that."

I walked across the sand to over were the red echidna was sitting watching Tails do whatever Tails was doing. Shadow stopped and looked down to the yellow furred fox before bending down and sitting in the sand. "What's he building?" Knuckles shrugged "Donno he's been working on it for a while though."

Tails heard this and sighed placing down his wrench and turning to the two that were talking. "For one Knuckles, I already told you what I was building when you asked me the first hundred times. I'm making a new engine for the tornado. And two, are you guys going to just sit there and talk about latterly anything you can so I can't concentrate?" He growled both of his tails twitching and hitting the sand behind him.

Knuckles chuckled, "Sorry buddy, didn't mean to mess you up." He stated waving a hand in the air. Tails huffed "I didn't mess up! You're just bugging me so I can't concentrate!"

I rolled my eyes and just stood up again dusting myself off. "My chaos, is this what you guys hear when me and Sonic bicker?" I asked jokingly as I whipped the sand off me.

"Yup" both of them answered me at the same time. After they both realised they did they cracked out in a explosion of laughter. I felt my eye twitch, I meant it as I joke but got a real answer instead.

Shrugging I turned and went back to my own hut. Seeing there was absolutely nothing for me to do out here right know. Maybe I'll come out and check on them later. Even if I don't have to.

[Sonic's POV]

Even though I promised Amy I would walk with her. I couldn't help but keep my distance and think. Not to mention my arm was hurting like a fucking bitch and I couldn't do anything about it until we got back.

Right now we were walking down a small path with vines hanging from trees. Until I stopped and grabbed Amy's arm once I heard a buzzing noise cit through the air. Amy was deafeningly startled but she kept quiet knowing whenever I did this something could be wrong.

I looked around the buzzing got louder. Though it didn't sound like a swarm of bee's it sounded more like...

A lour crash came from a little farther off screams following after it. "Eggman!" Both me and Amy said at the exact same time.

[Normal POV]

Amy got out her hammer and started to run towards the explosion. Sonic running after her and quickly passing the other hedgehog.

Once the two made it out into a clearing they noticed that Eggman was attacking a small village. His robots exploding boxes and crates.

"Go help the people I've got the robots!" Sonic ordered. "But- Sonic wait!" Amy was to late thought, because Sonic had already ran of immediately as he gave is order. Spin dashing a couple of robots.

Amy let out a sharp sigh before she ran off in the other direction. Smashing any robots that got in her way with her piko hammer.

She picked up a small kid before quickly locating its mother and handing him back over to her.

Sonic kicked some robots into each other as they shot. Ending up with them shooting one another.

It wasn't a large amount of robots so they finished them off quickly. Leaving them to help save the villagers and put out the fires.

Once the two hedgehogs joined back up together Amy seen that the bandages on one of his arms were soaked in blood.

She pointed down to it in worry "Hey Sonic, you alright? You're arms bleeding."

Sonic looked down to the arm he had cut this morning. Fuck the wounds must of opened more..." He thought to himself. The azure waved his hands in the air. "Yeah I'm fine I just got shot, maybe we should head back now."

Amy took another look at him to make sure he wasn't hurt any were else and only nodded. "Yes, that would be a good idea lets go." She stated softly as she put her hammer away. Sonic nodded and started to walk off in the same direction that they came to get here. Amy following behind him.

Sonic kept a firm grip on his wounded arm. He was only going to clean the blood off them when he got back. Nothing else.

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