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Ocean water lapped at the sand bar, the shore being dented in. Footprints crumpled away as the water washed back up and filled in the spots. The sound of the ocean was calming to most. Shadow relatively enjoyed it really, but on time's like this, he didn't. From afar the light drifting down and glinting off the water made the sand look red. When really, a stern ebony hedgehog was trailing along, blood spurting from a wound on his side. Dyeing the sand and water a dark red. It swirled in the divets and open spaces around the water. Never once seeming to come to a complete stop. Heavy footsteps sunk into the cold and wet sand, until finally, there was a small bang as a body fell ontop of it. Shadow collapsing, water spraying over him and around him, carrying the blood into the sea.

Shadow wouldn't dare to cry out. He had no reason to. His whole side may sting and wreath in pain, but his heart didn't hurt yet, and neither so his brain.

He was quite content here, in this constant fight of pain. It reminded him of things he couldn't receive yet in life. Really, Shadow didn't think he had one. He hadn't earned one yet. Though, he was here. Here and alive and he had to deal with it.

This was quite alright.


《Normal POV》
▪︎3:00 am▪︎

The sound of seagulls chirping above as they sored through the sky could be heard. The made circles, around and around over the sparkling blue ocean. Yet, from just a small look, you wouldn't be able to tell how many secrets and danger's the water held. It was always calm looking. Only at a glance, most where calmed by the sound of the waves splashing ashore, having the sand crunch under there weight. Yet, right now, the calmness of it creeped Shadow out. The cicadas around buzzed with life while his was slowly being sucked away. He woke up a few moments ago, head pounding with a ongoing headache as his eyes became unfocused. The wound he carried on his side stung and burned horribly but it hurt to much to move. The fridged water lapped at his side, drenching half his body in cold liquid. He was shivering, despite the raging heat above him. No, he was trembling. His blood was swirling and mixing in with the cold blue water creating a violet color. When he noticed this his eyes widened. He was still heavily bleeding, he probably lost way to much blood already.

He was gonna die here.

Shadow hated himself, hated how he could be so weak right now. He didn't have a life to spend either way. It would be better if he was gone anyways. Shadow wasn't suicidal, or at least, he didn't think he was. He just didn't find the point of him needing to stay alive. He didn't do anything special. All he lived to be was Sonic's rival.


A small spark of something emitted in the ebony's chest, something he remembered feeling before but, he didn't remember what it was. He knew the feeling of loneliness all to well, he always felt that. He had a problem. Not knowing why he felt such a petty thing. The thought of sadness came to mind, before he put the two thing's he needed to together. He was sad and worried, not for himself, no, but for Sonic. Someone he didn't ever think he could feel anything for. Or well, anything like this. A new found strength reached Shadow's body and he went to pull himself up, only to come crashing back down with a pain filled grunt. His gaze slowly started to go dark again.

Nononononono...not yet.

"Aw shit, the hell happened hear?" The sudden voice pulled Shadow back from near death, but the sudden weight being pushed onto his back drew a loud yelp from him. A bushy tail came into his fuzzy view, tickling his nose. "Shadow the hedgehog, all beat up I see..." a head came into view next, but he couldn't make out to manh features. The weight on his back became worse, more blood gushing out of his wound, a small tsk noise came from the male atop him.

"Don't you remember you're old pal? Well..then again we weren't friends, now where we Shad?"

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