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"Who the hell are you?" "Eh?" The green hedgehog opposite of him lifted an eyebrow before bursting out into a fit of laughter. "You don't KNOW me?! OI TAKUMI THIS DIPSHIT DON'T KNOW ME!" Just as the hedgehog was yelling out, that oh so familiar wolf stepped into the room carrying a beer can in one hand. "No one knows you Scourge." "OH FUCK OFF!" He grumbled out quickly, bringing his legs up onto the table while pulling out a pack of cigarettes.

"Where the fuck did you bring me mutt?" Shadow snapped out, taking Takumi off guard as he stumbled into the room. Plopping down onto the other end of the couch Scourge was on.

"Don't call me a mutt, Shadow. I'd be careful with what you fucking say."


《Shadow's POV》

I've never seen him like this. So heavily induced on alchohol. It was clear he was drunk by the way he was swaying and his slurred speach, I didn't have to look into his eyes, I just knew where bloodshot. I didn't want to. I couldn't. Tightening my fists up in my lap I leaned forewards a bit, testing out how much I could move without hurting myself more. A edging pain stung my side but it was bearable, that was good. I watched as Takumi took a sip from his beer, holding the can in his right hand. The smell of smoke made it to my nose, thanks to the cigarette Scourge had just lighted and was now puffing on. I needed answers on where the fuck I was. As far as I knew I was out on an abandoned island out in the middle of the ocean or in outer space somewhere.

My ear twitched as Scourge let out a gruff cough like laugh. My ruby gaze flickering up to him as smoke escaped his mouth and nostrils. Disgusting...

"Takumi here says you know Sonic, that right?" The green hedgehog opposite of me spoke up, just as I looked back down to the cluster of candles piled up together. Should I answer that question? It was probably best if I do, it wouldn't do any harm.

Sonic can handle himself.

I very reluctantly nod my head, a grin tugged at Scourge's lips as he flicked his cigarette. The ashes fluttering down to the ground as he leaned forwards. "Why do you care?" I grumbled out, once more looking up, but this time with a scowl. "Shadow...Shadow..Shadow.." Takumi croaked out past dry lips, finishing off his beer and dropping it onto the table which in turn it rolled off onto the floor. The sound of my name earned my attention, and I looked in the wolf's eyes the first time in years. Tears stained the other's fur and like I thought, his eye's were bloodshot. He was holding his head up with his hands that were placed to his cheeks, elbows on his legs. Instead of saying anymore, the wolf looked down, not continuing whatever sentence that he had started.

"Just answer a few questions for me ok?" Scourge grunted out past a puff of smoke. My stomach churned as the smell wafted to me and with my nauseous state I felt like I was going to puke. "Why the fuck should I answer anything you ask me?" I snapped back instantly, biting my teeth together and gritting them. "I don't even fucking know you!" I was raising my voice now, flinging my right hand out to aggressively point to the wolf who was now reaching down to grab his beer can off the ground. "I ONLY FUCKING KNOW HIM AND HE'S A COMPLETE WRECK! HE'S NEVER BEEN ABLE TO DO WHAT HE WANTS TO BECAUSE HE'S SO- SO- AHH- I WILL NOT BE FUCKING ANSWERING ANY OF YOUR GOD DAMN QUESTIONS!" I slammed my hand down onto the coffetable infront of me, before forcing my body to stand up quickly. The table reverberating against my palm and the lit candles almost fell to the ground. I watched as Takumi flinched and as more tears slipped from his straining eyes. "OI!" Scourge stood up suddenly aswell, sizing me up. He was taller for sure, a real fucking brute and a pain in my ass. He flung his cigarette to the ground and stomped his foot against it. Smoke rising from his mouth as a sharp growl echoed from his throat. "DON'T YOU DARE RAISE YOUR VOICE AT ME. EVER." His tone was thickly laced with venom and I could almost feel the hatred ripping from his body and seeping it's way towards me.

It was clear neither of us were compatible in any way shape or form to even have any type of normal discussion.

Instead of backing down I held my ground, ears twitching as they stayed purked up. Anger was easily recognized on my face and the other hedgehogs aswell. "I'm not answering any of your fucking questions." I snapped back, but quieter this time, taking into consideration that all the yelling and commotion was causing Takumi to shake violently. The beer was clearly getting to him and he couldn't handle it. Must not be a big drinker.

Scourge furrowed his eyebrows at me, before grunting. "Yes you are," he responded back, before plopping back down. Slowly, I eased back down aswell, now noticing the sharp pain that flared up under my skin. "No, I'm not," I retorted back instantly, the other scowled at me and I felt pride in that response.

"If you know who and where the fuck Sonic is, then yes, you are answering no matter fucking what." He growled back, before huffing. It was clear I wasn't going to get anywhere but downhill if I kept this up.

Fucking great..

《Normal POV》

"Why?" "Eh?" Scourge had lit another cigarette, filling his lungs with the fowl nicotine as a deathly silence had clung in the air around Takumi's sobs. The wolf had passed out at this point. Neither of the hedgehogs cared to try and move him or wake him though. "Why do you need to know were sonic is." Shadow finished, Scourge's ear twitched as he listened, letting the smoke rising out of his body. "Do you really want to know?" "I need to. If you expect me to just suddenly fucking answer you," the smaller barked back in an instant. Scourge was kinda suprised by how much energy he had to even keep up such an aggressive act. And it pissed him off. He was there when Takumi was fixing the fucker up. Making sure he didn't pass out. He was pissed off when the wolf suddenly showed up with a black and red hedgehog in his arm's.

It wasn't Christmas, and even if it were then that'd be a bad present.

This idiot had some logic behind his words though, and it pissed the green hedgehog off to no end. "Fine.." he muttered back, taking a stand once more and heading for the entryway. Shadow slowly stood up and followed after, clearly on alert. Scourge lead the way down the hall, a few other doors on the way, two to be exact, one led to a kitchen and the other a bathroom. But they didn't stop at either, instead, they walked to the very end, were two doors stood. One had a very poorly written 'Do Not Disturb' sign with an equally poorly drawn smily face. The other was plane. Scourge opened the one with the sign before stepping away, taking another puff of his cigarette. Shadow gave a confused look to the taller, who just pointed into the room. "You wanted answer, it's in there."

The ebony didn't like the mystery behind the others actions, but he reluctantly placed a hand to the door and pushed it fully open, slowly stepping into the room. A single window was placed at the other end, a torn up and rugged sheet placed over it, which didn't do anything to block out the sunshine that seeped through. The room was boring, and there was no defining features apart from the bookcase in the corner and the pile of clothes next to it. Other then that, there was a mess of CD's and a small cracked TV that probably didn't work. A makeshift bed made of blankets and sheets where on the stone floor under the window. A huge mound of blanket ontop of it. Shadow was just about to growl out something idiotic when he suddenly spotted the mound move, halting his advances. A moment later, a head popped out. The fur was a lighter green then Scourge's was. One ear had peircings on it, and this hedgehogs hairdo was funky. The mystery hedgehog wrapped in thick blanket spotted them before yawning. Scourge placed a hand to the doorframe behind Shadow, finishing off his cigarette.

"That's why."

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