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[Normal POV]

The loud crashing of thunder in the sky and pattering of pouring rain hitting the roof filled the air. Sonic had jumped awake once the first sound of thunder roared across the sky and his sensitive ears picked it up. So now he was just laying in bed curled up against the wall holding his ears down to his head shaking violently.

It didn't just hurt his ears, he was also pearly terrified of both thunder and water. So mixing the two things together were enough to throw him into a crying fit.

Another loud ripple crashed down through the sky and hit the ground somewhere outside. Sonic yelped and clenched his eyes shut and he pinned his ears back even more. If that was possible.

This went on all night, and once it just started to clear up it was already becoming morning. Sonic held his breath in as he let go of his ears and wrapped his arms around his legs putting his head onto his knees and sobbing.

The thunder stopped along with the rain but the dark atmosphere stayed the same seeing clouds were still covering the sky. Sonic made himself fall back to sleep by crying. Tears still stained his fur. His head up against the wall and bed. Quills being pushed up from being pushed back against the wall.

While the blue hedgehog was still asleep the rest of his companions were already awake. They were all slightly worried seeing that Sonic would always be the first one up. But it could also be he just wasn't hungry, or didn't wanna come down because his rival was staying there for a day or two.

Shadow had came the day before to stay a few nights seeing as he was building a house for himself. The two both got into a immediate argument.

But now the ebony hedgehog looked to be the most worried out of anyone. The group were all silently debating on weither to go check up on Sonic and see if he was ok or not. Shadow ended up having enough of it and stood up from his chair. Though as he did this Tails turned to him and spoke up, "Are you sure you're the one who should go see him? I believe it would be better to for one of us to go. Amy-"

The fox was cut off by the now slightly angered hedgehog, "Yes I'm sure." Before slamming his chair into the table and walking up the stairs.

The whole group watched him leave in surprise. "Well then..." Sticks said softly as she leaned back into her chair.


Shadow made it up the stairs and walked over to Sonic's door and knocked. No answer, so he knocked again. Still no answer, Shadow growled softly and knocked again but louder "Open up hedgehog!"

Still no answer. At that moment Shadow's ears fell back in worry before he grabbed the door handle and twisted it to the side as he opened the door. Once the door was opened he walked inside to be met with a organized room. Dark blue carpet and green blinds. But what caught his eye the most was the sleeping Sonic.

Once the ultimate lifeform got closer to the bed he noticed what was wrong.

The stripped white and blue blanket was crinkled and the hedgehog was practically not even under it. Only one of his legs were. One of his two pillows were hanging over the side of the bed while the other was turned to a angel. Sonic's head was mostly on the bed while the rest was on the edge of the pillow. His quills being pushed up from them being so close to the wall.

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