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[Normal POV]

Surprisingly Eggman didn't show up again that day. Instead they were all on edge for nothing. Shadow actually was able to finish the house he was building. Which then meant he would be in the same area Sonic and his team were in.

Sonic was overjoyed that his crush would be near him now but, it didn't help that the ebony pretty much hated him.


The moon was already high in the sky at the time Sonic was out. Everyone else still inside. The azure hedgehog walked through the sand ears and fur being tugged back by the wind. He would normally go out and walk alone. It was something he was fond to doing sense he was little.

But now he rarely did it, seeing he believed he shouldn't be able to have happiness.

Sitting down in the sand he looked over to the reflection of the moon on the water. Waves rippling across the sandy bank creating a serene sound. Sonic let out a small sigh before looking down at his bandage covered arms.

The sound of the splashing of water was already making the azure shiver. Though, he did mean to dit this close. Because he doesn't deserve to feel safe. Nor be able to feel the love people had for one another. The only thing close to love that he had was Tails and that stupid crush on Shadow. Which he cherished both.

Unwrapping the bandages on his right arm he looked over the scars and cuts. "After the world is safe from Eggman they won't need me..." He said softly ears flicking back. "Then they wouldn't even remember me I know it, they only care right know because I'm protecting them."

He took a deep breath and traced over a scar. "Once there safe...I'm going to leave, this place. Then they'll all be happy...and better off" His mind flashed with the thought of Shadow and his ears pinned back against his head.

"And then he would be able to move on happily...."

The azure hedgehog took in another deep breath. The cold air chilling up his throat and lungs. "Tails doesn't need anyone to protect him anymore anyways. I'm just a annoying rodent that keeps him from finishing anything when its needed..." Sonic clenched his scared arm with his hand. "I don't deserve freedom. I don't deserve to be happy. And all as hell don't deserve Shadow. He could find someone better then me. Heck...anyone is better then me..." The azure thought giving a sad chuckle.

He looked down at him arm again before putting the bandages on once again. He was lucky, everyone around here always had some type of bandages on. So it was easy for him to cover up all his scars. Though his team was slightly confused on why he always put a lot more on then they did. All Sonic said for a answer was that it was better protection.

So they just stopped making about it after that.

Sonic didn't run back to the hut. Instead he forced himself to walk right next to the water. The waves crashing down hurt his ears, which where still pinned against his head, and the water that seeped into his shoes sent him on edge. Even though his body was shaking he forced himself took keep walking. He glanced over to the ocean seeing another large wave crash down not far from him.

His eyes glazed over with tears but he forced himself not to cry. Which only made him have a headache. He looked back over the water. "Wouldn't be a bad place to end it...funny...dieing in something you're tarifyed of..."

The azure turned his head away once his eyes picked up the first glint of light. Walking up to his and Tails place he opened the door to see everyone inside except for Knuckles and Sticks. Who both mist likely headed back to there own huts to call it a night.

Shadow, Amy and Tails were still at the table eating. Sonic went to walk past the table to get to the stairs until Amy turned to him. "Are you going to eat?" Sonic's ear flicked but he didn't turn to her. "No, I'm not hungry right know I'll come done later...." He stated before walking up the stairs and into his room.

Shadow watched him leave ears twitching in some type of curiosity. Amy sighed and turned back to her food shaking her head in defeat. "I don't understand...he says that every time..."

Shadow then turned to her "Does he ever come down and eat?" She only shook her head again "No"

And Amy's words were proved right. Sonic didn't come down from his room what so ever. Even after Shadow finished his food and Amy had left to her hut he stayed in the chair waiting and trying to prove the pink hedgehog wrong. But he couldn't, Tails finally ended up standing and waving to Shadow "I'm heading to bed...leave when you like don't stay up to long." And with that the fox was gone.

Shadow stayed until his body was starting to shut down showing how tired he was. The ebony yawned and stood up from his seat pushing the chair into the table. He was about to walk over to the door until he heard whimpering.

It was muffled though, thanks to the walls of the hut. Shadow turned lifting a eyebrow. Lifting his ears up more trying to see if it was actual whimpering he heard or just his imagination playing with him.

But it was real and the ebony ended up walking over to the stairs away from the door. The previous place he was planning to go.

Upon walking upstairs he indicated where the sound was coming from. Shadow turned to the door ears twitching. "What the..." He whispered trying not to wake anyone up who wasn't already up. The whimper came again.

They were coming from Sonic's room.

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