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《Ok welp I lied to you on bringing another chapter to you really fast. I have stuff going on but I'm truly really gonna try and get more chapters out! I wanna continue and finish books but I just keep getting to many ideas ahhhh!! Oh well XD I hope you enjoy chapter 9!》

[Normal POV]

A week or so had passed, Shadow had finished building his hut. He had it farther away from all the others but closer at the same time. It didn't take long to walk to it but it felt like ages to get there. Sonic didn't have any more encounters with Shadow through that time. Part of him was happy at this and the other part was sad about it. Shadow only came back to there hut to eat, and accasuonally talk. Most of those times Sonic would be in his room sleeping, eating, or just looking out his window. With Eggman not attacking for a while he had nothing to do, so he kept himself busy with other things. In his room. No one bothered him, Tails sometimes would come up and knock on his door to ask if he was ok. The blue blurs answer was the same every single time.

"Hey Tails! Yeah I'm fine no need to worry about me! I'm Sonic! You don't gotta worry buddy!"

And when his friend asked him when he would come out his answer would always be later, but he never, ever came out. His friends, the group had started to notice this wasn't like there Sonic. This wasn't how he normally acted and something was really really wrong. Though, none, not one soul decided to go and walk in without permission to find out what the hell was going on. Truth was, they didn't know the real Sonic. The real, insecure, scared Sonic The Hedgehog. They didn't know him. What they knew was the mask he put up. The one to keep his feelings of hurt and pain away. He was a hero. Not a person to most people. Why? Well the reason was, Hero's weren't supposed to feel pain, or he scared. And Sonic, well Sonic was a hero.


《Normal POV》
▪︎2:04 AM▪︎

Ocean water lapped at the sand bar, the shore being dented in. Footprints crumpled away as the water washed back up and filled in the spots. The sound of the ocean was calming to most. Shadow relatively enjoyed it really, but on time's like this, he didn't. From afar the light drifting down and glinting off the water made the sand look red. When really, a stern ebony hedgehog was trailing along, blood spurting from a wound on his side. Dyeing the sand and water a dark red. It swirled in the divets and open spaces around the water. Never once seeming to come to a complete stop. Heavy footsteps sunk into the cold and wet sand, until finally, there was a small bang as a body fell ontop of it. Shadow collapsing, water spraying over him and around him, carrying the blood into the sea.

Shadow wouldn't dare to cry out. He had no reason to. His whole side may sting and wreath in pain, but his heart didn't hurt yet, and neither so his brain.

He was quite content here, in this constant fight of pain. It reminded him of things he couldn't receive yet in life. Really, Shadow didn't think he had one. He hadn't earned one yet. Though, he was here. Here and alive and he had to deal with it.

This was quite alright.


[Yes this chapter is short and it's been forever since I have posted- BUT- I will post again either this week or next week. If I don't feel free to hit me- XD Alrighty! I want you all to guess what's happening and going on in the comments! Why? Cause I said so!]

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