"Right. I'm leaving for now. I need to get my schedule and keys and all that from the office. And sleep... I need sleep."

"I'll come with you. I'll carry your bags." Seth offers but I shake my head no.

"I need to be alone right now, okay?" My cheeks are burning up and my hands are shaking as I try not to make eye-contact with Seth. "Talk later."

Before anything else is said, I take hold of my suitcases and flee from the room. Shutting the door behind me, I have to close my eyes for a second, feeling relief wash over me. It doesn't last very long though as I hear something crash behind the door. Holding back tears, I try to not listen to Seth's cursing and force myself to start walking away.

"Arya O'Brien." My voice is slightly shaky but I try desperately to sound normal as I tell the secretary my name.

She nods before disappearing. When she returns, she holds a folder and a little pouch.

"These are the keys to your room. You also get a key to the arts studio above the library in the building right across from this one." She points towards the glass doors. "All students in the arts program get this key until there is reason to revoke privileges. Don't mess it up."

I nod.

"Right, there is a map in here." She pushes the folder towards me lazily. "You'll also find your schedule. We have put it together for you as you have requested on our website. And lastly", once again the middle age woman disappears and returns with at least ten books, "these are your books. The receipt is in the folder."

"Thank you." I manage a weak smile.

"You're welcome. Enjoy your time here and make the most of it."

"I will. Have a good day." The secretary is gone before I finish my sentence.

I push the key pouch and the folder into one of my suitcases and am left with the books and two suitcases.

"There's no way..." Trying to somehow squeeze some of the books (that cost me almost all the money I had saved up) under my arms and pull the suitcases at the same time proved to be completely impossible.

"Uggghhh!" I throw my head back in frustration and feel tears well up in my eyes again. This can not be happening!

I am about to call Seth, when I hear someone call my name.

Completely irritated, I turn to see someone jogging towards me.

"Hey, let me help you." The guy offers, a bright smile on his face. "Remember me? Jackson? We met... a few hours ago?" He laughs a hearty laugh.

"Oh right! Sorry." How could I forget his gorgeous face?

When I met Jackson earlier, my first instinct was to run and hide. What could this gorgeous human being possibly want from me other than humiliate me or make fun of me? But he didn't do that. No, he engaged me in conversation, when I was ready to rip Seth's throat out and give him a good beating.

"I'm really sorry. I didn't get much sleep and I--" I apologize again when he interrupts me.

"Not much sleep, huh?" Jackson questions, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

An embarrassed choking noise escapes my throat and I try to laugh it off.

"Don't look so shocked. I know your with Seth, you still have your things with you so I'm guessing that you spent the night at his? He should enjoy it while he can." He lifts a magnificent eyebrow at me.

How does one manage to look this good after clearly not having slept any longer than three hours?!

Wait... what did he just say?

"What do you mean by that?" I ask incredulous, now struggling to keep the books underneath my arms.

"Let me help you with your stuff. I'll get you to your room and explain." He offers, a kind smile brightening his face.

"Oh you don't have to. I..."

"Can manage? Doesn't look like it, babe." He smirks and before I can protest, he takes my books from underneath my arms, getting a little too close for comfort. It seems to be no problem for him to carry the books and pull the suitcase after himself. Well then...

After having found out where we need to go, the two of us start going.

"Do I really want to know?" I ask Jackson as we exit the building.

The sun makes his eyes look almost translucent and his hair golden.

"Staring is a punishable offence in most states, did you know that?"

"Funny." I say bluntly. "Now spit it out. What were you talking about just then?"

"You know, for someone who should be grateful you're quite rude."

I know it was a joke but in my state I really couldn't take any sarcasm. Let alone being teased by someone who I barely know. And apparently the look on my face made that pretty clear.

"Someone's grumpy! Right, well I'm sure you remember that I'm Seth's soccer captain." I nod, motioning for him to continue. "There are a few rules for my guys. You know, to keep them concentrated on what's important. I like my guys to be focused."

We reach my dorm building and somehow Jackson manages to push the door open with his back and hold it open for me.

"Thanks." I mumble, suddenly feeling uncomfortable as I pass him and feel his eyes on my backside. "By focused you mean... what exactly?"

"The usual." He lets the door slide shut and motions towards the elevator. "No drinking, no parties. No girlfriends."

The elevator doors shut behind us and I close my eyes, leaning against on of the mirrored walls. Is this guy just trying to wind me up? Maybe I'm dreaming. Maybe I'm still asleep in Seth's bed and none of this really happened.

"Hey, you in there?!" Jackson snapped his fingers in front of my eyes.

"Damnit." I curse. I find myself doing that more often lately...

"That rule doesn't apply to the team captain."


Thank God.

I spot room A146 and hastily walk towards it. Pulling the key from its pouch, I fumble with it for a second before successfully unlocking the door. When I turn around to get my stuff from Jackson, I almost bump into his chest.

He is tall. Very tall.

"Personal space is a thing that I appreciate." I mutter.

"Overrated." He comments, pushing past me, his chest grazing my arm.

Jackson places the books onto my small desk and the suitcase by my bed. He turns to me and moves swiftly towards me. Within seconds he has me pushed against the wall behind me, his body pressing against mine.

"This thing with Seth is ending."

I am speechless, shell-shocked and unable to move. My whole body is shaking and my skin is itchy with discomfort.

"And call me Jax."

When he leans in, I quickly turn my face so his lips graze my cheek instead of my lips. My eyes are squeezed shut and I only open them back up when I know he is gone.

What. the. hell. just happened?!


WOO! Told you to get your boxing gloves ready!

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