Memory 18

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"Let's play!" Of course it was Gii's idea. "Spin the bottle!" she exclaimed.

Everyone groaned disapprovingly.

They knew that Gii's up to something. Every time Gii knew a secret, she'd beam up asking for a game. Every time Gii wanted to know a secret, she'd shoot a hand for a game. Meaning, Gii is the secret revealer in the group.

"Oh Gii, I don't have anything to tell you!" Four complained.

"What?! I'm not after you!"

"Of course! You're after our cute classmate here." Jey elbowed Jey Ten's side.

The problem was, Ten wasn't paying attention to them. He was busy answering San's piercing eyes with a deadlier look, but with a smiling lips.

Suddenly, he felt something poked his side which made him scowl and made San laugh.

"Hey! What?!" Ten irritably asked Four. Defensively, Jey raised his hands.

"Woah. Relax bro."

San's laugh continued to emanate through the aisle towards Four's room.

"You're still laughing huh?" San abruptly stopped laughing. Not because he's tired, but because Ten's right hand immediately wrapped over San's skinny neck, dragging him towards everyone's destination.

It was a subtle reaction, but Gii, whose determination to expose her suspicion, caught how Zen turned his glance away from Ten and San, smirking.


Coldness seeped through everyone's skin as soon as they stepped into Four's green, gigantic, and bonsai-filled bedroom.

The very entrance swarmed them with tall bonsais that swayed on the left side of the room as if a strong wind has swept its leaves.

"How can you sleep with all these bonsais Four? Is this really your room?" San shouted, while Ten still kept his resolve on not letting San's neck go.

"He doesn't sleep here." It was a soft voice that answered San. "He sleeps on the other side of the room." Fai explained.

"Oh." Was the only thing that San has answered. He didn't know whether Fai's annoyed or not. San was intimidated by Fai. He felt that everyone in this room adores her a lot, but he didn't have any issue with that. All he was asking is for Zen to at least listen to him. That Zen will also eat something that San has offered. "But I'm not Fai", San whispered.

"What was that?" Ten wondered, pinching San's nose.

"Aaaaaah! That hurts Ten!" San grimaced, to which Ten just laughed at, then San's attention went back to the Bonsais.

Truly, the forest of bonsais made an obvious partition of the room. On the other side greeted San a platform for a very cozy place.

Same background music of nature instantly filled the room as Four hit a switch on the wall. Unconsciously, San got escaped from Ten's hand and finally appreciated the place.

"Well actually, those are artificial bonsais. My parents bought them from Japan last year. They're electronic bonsais. Follows the sun's position, that's them. That's why they're swayed like that. When it's already night time, they fold their trunks and leaves like an umbrella. That's why I call them---"

"Apollo's Groove..." Everyone but San finished Four's sentence.

"Yes. We all know Four." Gii added.

"Hey. It's cool babe. Don't mind Gii." Jey consoled Four.

"Don't call me babe, you shitty opportunist!"

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