Memory 1

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San made it to the University barely. He's an outsider after all and he doesn't know how hard Thailand Education is. Well, that's his excuse, when the truth is: he's not really that gifted in being a genius.

He prepared himself for school, took a bath for five minutes, changed to his uniform, had his breakfast and flashed to his new University.

San's new University is just a 30-minute ride from the apartment that he's currently living alone. However, to save money, he decided to walk as he goes to school that would take him two hours at least; and take a bus back home.

Sweaty temples welcomed San to his uni. He didn't expect a two-hour walk to be that tiring, but he was determined. San got to school early on his first day. The school was big and he didn't know how to maneuver his feet to the area. One more problem is that San understands and speaks some of the Thai words, but he can't read Thai characters. Given that his comprehension in Thai language is limited, he still can't ask directly from anyone nor can he expect a straight answer.

There was no one in the school but the Janitors who were busy sweeping the school grounds off of the tree leaves. He took out his enrolment form and looked at his room assignment. Other characters are in English Alphabet alright, but his room number is in Thai, so his English comprehension proved futile in his current state. He even flipped the form upside down just to make sure that it was in the right position, but there's still no difference at all.

"Hello?" San finally got the urge to ask one of the janitors.

The janitor stopped sweeping and looked at San with eyes that showed wonder.

"Do you know where this room is?"

San showed the Janitor his form and pointed at the classroom number.

The janitor answered San but San only understood the janitor's hands pointing to a building in the North of him over his fast and deep Thai words that San didn't catch.

"Do you speak English?" San asked.

The janitor just smiled and continued his job.

Can I really survive in this University? San thought.

He reached the building that the janitor pointed and prepared himself for more Thai words that he's yet to welcome without understanding a thing.

San looked at his form sharply as he scrutinized each floor with a look of a murderer. Every time he walked past a classroom, he'd immediately compare his form to the classroom's number.

The students were already bustling in the hallway, yet San is still in the fourth floor and is still clueless to which floor he should take next, that maybe by luck, ends up to be the right floor. He constantly asked someone for help, but they speak too fast. San didn't know how to make them talk slower, so he just thanked them and walked away without being helped.

He was already in the verge of crying when a girl suddenly popped in front of him from thin air.

The girl said something in Thai but San was so startled to respond, to respond nothing.

"Woah. Where did you come from?" San asked out of confusion.

"Oh. Hey there. You're not Thai huh?"

"Oh. Thanks God. Finally!" San sighed for relief.

 Finally!" San sighed for relief

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