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"You're going home already?" P'Nat called after his friend in a heavily Thai-accented tone.

"Ah. Yeah. Does aunty need more help?" San replied.

"I think we're fine hire. Nidang just got in. It's your first day in uni tomorrow, right?"

"Yes P'. Wish me luck!"

"Of course. then?" A trace of sadness became evident in Nat's voice.

"What? Of course not! I'm still willing to live." San joked.

"But...can you go to school and work here at the same time?"

"Why not P'? My school schedule's just until 6 in the evening, my work here is from 7pm until midnight. There's even so much time left for me to go wherever I want."

"And, what if they'll know?"


"Your classmates."

"I haven't even met them yet, and why mind them?"

"San, it's a night bar that you're working in. Wouldn't it be awkward if they'll know about it?"

"P'Nat, we both know that this bar doesn't offer illegal services. We don't even have dancing girls here." San gave a loud laugh.

"That's the thing. People don't see this bar as that kind of bar. They see it bar?" Nat cocked an eyebrow, waiting for San's reaction.

"Hey," San raised his left hand and put it on Nat's right shoulder, "I'm fine okay? Right now, I don't care what people think of me. I'm more concerned on how to survive."

Nat just gave a long sigh, contemplating San's nonchalant mood.

"Gotta go P'. Teach me more Thai words tomorrow okay?"

Nat nodded and smiled.

San left the bar 30 minutes after midnight. His work is just a 30-minute walk from his apartment so he decided to take the long walk in a silent street towards his apartment.

The cold moon shone brightly that night that seemed to tease San's life. He's so fcked up for the second month now and it looks like it will stay for long.

The deserted streets were slowly giving into the long shadows of the array of houses that San's place was in.

It's already his fourth month in Thailand. The first two were in complete shit which he didn't have any memory of, while the latter pulled him out of the deep hell.

The ambiance is far different from the country that he grew in, even though he didn't know where it was. He just felt, unaccustomed to Thailand. The cold midnight breeze seeped through his pores that made him shiver. An acrid smell was undeniably streaking an imaginary outline of greenish string towards San's nose. There were cats as well to complete the setting in a movie where a drunk man would come out of the corner and blurt things randomly at San and San would end up dead under a flickering light of a sturdy lamp post . As realistic as it already was though, no drunk man solidified out of the thin air which made San disappointed. He wanted his life to end, fine; but he doesn't want to take it himself.

His memory in Thailand so far welcomes him to a metamorphosis. Things just suddenly turned sour from sweet, light from dark, and black from white; but San should stay strong. He can't let himself be drown to the depths of hell. It's been two months already when he first had a glimpse of his hell of life and he has been offered only two ways to escape from it: either fight or lose. Until now, he is still clinging to the week-long story that Nat has told him before he lost his memory.

 Until now, he is still clinging to the week-long story that Nat has told him before he lost his memory

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