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I was never much into planning out my wedding when I was growing up. All I knew was that I wanted to get married, and that was about it. I never planned out the kind of wedding dress I'd be wearing, or what kind of wedding I'd want. I also never imagined the kind of proposal I'd want. But never in a million years would I have thought I'd want to marry someone who'd proposed to me the way that Jake did.

It was... un-special.

Of course I'd thought he was joking so I'd laughed. He'd laughed with me too.

We'd then sat in a comfortable silence for a while before,

"Seriously though. Will you marry me Mia?" His eyes held a softness in them I'd never seen before on him. It was like he was looking right into my soul. So without thinking,

"Yes." I'd said to him simply.

Not caring that I was probably too caught up in the moment to allow myself to think about what I was agreeing to.

But now as we sit on a private jet flying to a surprise private island, I feel my common sense returning to me.

I have no question in my heart or in my mind about whether or not I love this man, I do. A lot. But do I want to just give it all up because of the momentous butterflies that keep fluttering in my tummy? Being in love and getting married are two different things. One is a feeling and the other is a commitment, a commitment that one should never just jump into without really thinking it through. I can't help the questions that attack my mind as I lay on his sleeping form thousands of miles above sea level.

Jake has problems, too many problems. And marriage? That should be the last thing on his mind right now. I think he might've been too in the moment when he proposed just like I was too in the moment when I said yes.

"What's wrong?" He asks sleepily seemingly sensing my racing mind.

"What are we doing?" My voice comes out as a whisper. My head is still laying comfortably on the crook of his neck.

"We're following our hearts." He says and that feels oddly calming. However, it doesn't quite slow down my ranting mind and he still senses this because,

"You're doing that thing where you're over thinking again. Stop it."

"I just don't want us to jump into this without thinking it through."

"Baby I've never been so sure about anything in my life."

I'm screaming on the inside.

"If you're having second thoughts..."

"No no no."

What am I saying?

"I just - Jake, are you sure you want to do this?"

He doesn't answer. He instead kisses me like his life depended on it and I let him. I feel my heart accepting.

I'm getting married to the love of my life!
But first,

"What about your dad?"

The man can't stand the fact that we live on the same planet. He'll have a heart attack when he finds out I'm marrying his son. But said son doesn't seem to understand this because,

"What about him?"

He scrunches his shoulders when he says this like I'd just asked the most wild and unnecessary question, so I raise my head to properly look at the crazy man who then says,

"I don't care for his approval."

That's certainly new.

"Fine." I decide to say to him. We're now really close to each other that my lips touch his when I talk. That of course then makes my body crave his so I kiss him again. I feel him trying to stop me but I don't let him.


"What?" I'm still not stopping. I need him inside of me.

"Mia stop!" His voice is now loud and that makes me stop to look at him annoyingly.

Now I can't make love to my fiancé?

He seems to read my mind because,

"I want us to wait."


"Wait for what?" I'm now straddling his lap with a sad face on. I need to feel him in me, why won't he understand?

"For our wedding night" He says with a serious face making me laugh.

"We don't even know when that's going to be."

I swear the Lord is trying me today.

"We'll figure it out baby.

I just feel like sex has always been a big part of us."

That's true, we're obsessed with sex. Even though we haven't really been having it the past couple of months, it was always a big part of our bond. Or a big distraction so we don't face whatever depressing thing we'd be going through. So I get what he's saying, but that doesn't stop me from,

"Do we have to?!"

How am I supposed to see him and ignore the strong urge to jump him? I've been celibate for so long and now I have to wait until I'm married?

"I know baby, we'll make it through I promise." He says putting his hand around my shoulder as I now lay on his chest.

We not so soon at all arrive at the mystery island that I find out belongs to his family. I wonder when he got the time to have everything set up because everyone seems to be expecting us when we arrive.

We'd left so sudden because he just wanted to whisk us away for a bit. We're going to be here for a few days.

"Hello Mr Romano, Hi Mia." They greet us when we make it past the gigantic doors of the mansion. I smile at him because clearly he made sure to tell them I hate formalities. Although Mrs Romano doesn't sound too bad at all. I ignore the excited butterflies in my tummy.

The island has a couple of buildings on it. I'd found out that they let people visit, at a very high cost though. That's hardly shocking.

We stay there for a few days just relaxing and being away from the world. I'd never thought I'd be able to stand seeing him all the time like this but now I feel like I never want to not see him. I want to wake up to him every morning. I want to carry his children.

We're soon forced to go back to our realities after a few days of just being with each other. I missed two days of work but Jake promised he was going to get someone to handle that with my boss for me.

We go back home more in love with each other than when we left, mostly because we had a glimpse of forever with each other. Our stay didn't include anything crazy. It was just me, him and nature.

Everything is perfect. He is perfect.

We manage to keep the same energy, at least until we arrive back at the country.


"Over my dead body!" Was all his father said to the news of our engagement before dismissing us.

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