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When I first met Meghan, we were at a club. Tristan had forced me to go out again, to my dismay. They weren't yet dating and he'd invited her to join us. I'd been so mad because I thought it was just going to be the two of us.

When she'd walked in, it was like time froze. She was wearing a short, tight red dress, revealing her long beautiful legs. She'd completed her look with a red Matt lipstick and I remember the awe in everyone's faces.

I hadn't even realized she was making her way towards us until she was really close and Tristan stood up to greet her. It was hardly a surprise though, I'd seen too many of the same kind of women in his life. He usually discarded of them after a few weeks, days sometimes. So I just knew it was just a moment's thing.

"Hey, you must be Mia. I've heard so much about you," she'd greeted me with a smile and I forced one back.

"I'm Meghan, lovely to finally meet you." She'd continued but I let that pass through one ear and out the other. I'd stopped bothering to learn their names.

"Lovely to meet you too," I lied and turned my head to look at a very awe-struck Tristan who must've been still stuck in a daze, like the rest of the club. She was a beautiful woman, even I could admit.

They'd then cuddled each other up as I looked around the club awkwardly but I'd eventually decided to tell him I wanted to go. I knew he only agreed because he felt bad. He'd walked me out the club and waited with me as I waited for my Uber and I was soon out of there.

I'd reminded myself that he was going to be over her soon and that was what allowed me to go to sleep that night.

I put my car on park as I stare at the tall building in front of me. I sigh then make my way out and towards the automatic doors that hesitate a bit to let me in.

I look around the beautiful foyer after walking in and decide to head to the reception area as I didn't know where I was going.

"Hi, Mia Oliphant for Meghan's bachelorette," I say to the smartly dressed gentleman behind the counter and he just looks at me like I'm in the wrong building. I'm pretty sure they said Michelangelo hotel.

"Please have a seat for me mam," he says to me and I cringe at that term. He's probably like ten years older than me.

I then sit by the lounge for what feels like forever looking at all the rich people coming in and out of the fancy hotel. What am I doing here?

"Mia!?" I eventually hear Meghan call my name and I turn around with the biggest genuine smile on my face. I desperately needed to be rescued, even if was by her.

"Hi Meghan. It's been too long," I say going in for a hug.

"I know, it's been forever. We missed you at the engagement party," she says and it's clear to me she doesn't know.

"Oh yea, I had a work thing that day," I lie. The last thing she's going to want to hear is I didn't come because I didn't want them to get married.

"Oh it's ok. You're here today," she says cheerfully then takes my hand to lead me to the elevator where we're soon at the highest level of the skyscraper. I can see the whole view of Sandton from up here. Of course they rented a penthouse.

"This is really lovely Meghan," I say meaning it. The Michelangelo hotel is known for its elegant and flamboyant decorations.

"I know right? This is all thanks to daddy. He's amazing," she says to me with the same cheerful look from earlier and I feel bad that I probably look like I'm going to a funeral.

We head into the master bedroom of the penthouse where the rest of her friends seem to be getting ready. Everyone matches her perky mood and they're all wearing white shirts with a pink 'bridal squad' printed on them.

I'm showered with hugs and kisses from the girls as soon as Meghan introduces me and I feel welcome already. I would still rather be anywhere else though, I hope it doesn't show.

A few shots and two glasses of gin and tonic manage to almost get me to their level of perkiness as we finish up getting ready and make our way out of the hotel to go to the club.

We're now all wearing pink bridal squad sashes with short, tight dresses of our choosing and Meghan is wearing a short white dress, a bride to be sash and a tiara. She looks breathtaking.

I hate to admit it but I'm actually starting to have fun. We get out of the big Mercedes minibus and we make our way into the club, passing a really long line of people waiting to get in.

Meghan looks really happy. I'd never really seen her mad before but I've also never seen her this happy. This makes me feel like the biggest asshole in the world.

I had no real reason to hate on the girl if I'm being honest. In retrospect, she's always been really nice to me and I've always treated her unfairly.

She'd asked Tristan to ask me to hang out more than a few times and I'd declined. I knew she finally gave up and realized I didn't like her, probably because she just thought we were different people. I wonder if she ever found out the real reason.

At this point in the night, I feel really drunk but I also feel that I need to clear the air with Meghan. I feel that I owe her an apology.

And so I decide to call her to the corner of the booth we'd been sitting at as the other girls swayed their bodies to the music.

"I really need to say this to you. I realize the timing's completely wrong but it's better now than never," I  start and she smiles and nods for me to continue.

"I really didn't like you when I first met you,"

"In all honesty, I never liked any of the girls Tristan dated. Because well, I'm completely in love with him," I say honestly.

"But I should have never let myself treat you the way I did because he never saw me the way he sees you. All I am to him is just a friend,"

"But you? He loves you! I've never seen him look at anyone the way he looks at you," I say and she smiles.

Tears start coming out of my eyes but I ignore them.

"You're beautiful Meghan," I say looking into her eyes.

"I mean I still don't know what he sees in you but you're beautiful and I guess it makes sense that he chose you and not me," I start letting the alcohol do the talking.

"I mean it doesn't really make sense but it doesn't matter now. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I hope you remain beautiful because as soon as you're not anymore he's gone," I say then chuckle at my stupidity. I see her face start frowning a bit even though she's still trying to maintain her smile.

"You're going to give him really beautiful kids, I guess that's another reason," why am I doing this?

"Oh and let's not forget about your rich daddy," I say mimicking her voice at the last part. My heart begs me to stop but I can't seem to.

"Congrats on tying him down, lord knows we all failed," I finish and raise my glass up so we can toast but she takes her glass and toasts it with my face instead.

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