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Mrs Brady is a sweetheart. She takes time to get to know people instead of just judging them by how they look. She's been like a mother to me for as long as I've known her and I feel indebted to her. I sometimes fear that her personality doesn't always allow her to see the bad because she's always looking for the good in people.

So as we're all sitting and relishing in the savory meal she prepared, I see her conversing with Meghan. She touches her arm as they laugh and her smile lights up the room. She likes her. I was afraid of that.

Meghan is not a bad person, she's just a bad person for Tristan. He is all party, alcohol and weed on the outside, but all computers, books and ted talks on the inside. She on the other hand models for a living. She's beautiful yes! but she doesn't seem to have much depth to her. Tristan likes substance, that's why I'd been surprised when he introduced me to her. I thought it was just a moment's thing - just like with the others, until he told me he'd fallen in love with her. You can imagine my shock at that.

"Mia darling, are you alright there? You've barely said a word," the older lady sings in her thick Irish accent. She makes everything sound so fancy.

"I'm just enjoying this incredible meal Shauna, you've really put your heart into it," I say making sure not to call her Mrs Brady as I will not hear the end of it. She smiles sweetly and thanks me then continues her talk with Meghan.

Everyone seems to like her. Tristan's stern dad who I'm still not sure likes me and his ever sarcastic sister who basically hates everything in existence seem to have warmed up to her. I can't help but wonder if I don't like her because I don't want to. Maybe I've judged her before getting to know her.

"Yea I feel like if you're not gonna do your nails then what's the point you know?" Meghan says, reminding me why we're not and will never be friends. Everyone laughs at her comment and I sit here wondering if they've lost it.

She talks about how passionate she is about her job and how she loves that she gets to travel the world because of it and I can't help but envy her. It must be nice to do something you absolutely love for work. When I was young I wanted to be a writer but was told it wasn't sustainable and I couldn't make a living off of it. So I had to study something that would guarantee me a job after. I have a well paying job and I'm able to afford things most people can't but I still wonder what life would've been like had I followed my heart and did what I loved.

Later that evening Tristan takes me for a stroll around the neighborhood. He holds my hand and it brings me a sense of nostalgia. When my parents died from a freak accident back in high school he took me for a walk. I kept telling him that was the last thing I wanted but he'd insisted. We'd walked quietly feeling the the wind blow against our skin.

There was something comforting about being outside when everyone else was inside. The reality that I was left all alone hadn't yet set in and I just felt numb. He held my hand and led me to an empty sports field where we just sat on one of the bleachers. He still held on to my hand as we stared at nothing in particular. That's when the tears came down, one after the other. He held on to me really tight and told me that he would always be there for me, and that he would never leave me. He kept his word all those years.

"It's freezing," I say scolding him as we continue our walk in the dark.

"Yes I know genius," he responds getting on my nerves.

"Then why the damn are we out here? I swear to god Tristan," I threaten but he just laughs it away.

"I feel like I don't see you enough anymore, I miss you and I wanted to steal you away for a bit," he says with a pout.

"I guess that's inevitable isn't it? You've got someone now," I say making him stop in his tracks.

"About that..." he trails of. He almost says something but stops himself and pulls something from his pocket instead.

He then opens the small box as I pray that what's inside is not what I think it is. But alas, words fail me as I stare at the gigantic diamond attached to a silver band. I feel my world collapse. The numbness I felt the last time he took me on a walk returns as I beg my tears not to come out. He's going to propose.

"I know she's not your most favorite person in the world. Or at all," he starts, making me smile through the sadness.

"But how I feel for her I've never felt for anyone. Ever." he trails off. "I'm ready. I've been ready for a while now," he says now looking at the ring.

"Nugget, your approval means the world to me. I want to do this but I need you to be okay with it."

Tristan is the kind of man who's not afraid to be vulnerable. Someone asked me once why I'd fallen for him. Easy, his heart. Tristan is the most selfless person that I know. He gives and gives and expects nothing in return, that's not always a good thing as he would often be taken for granted. He is standing in front of me and asking for my permission to marry the love of his life. How can I ever say no to that?

In that moment I felt myself understand the true meaning of love. In a perfect world, he would be mine and we would live happily ever after. But in reality, he loves someone else and he wants to marry her. This is the part where I have to love him enough to let him go.

So I look at my best friend right in his eyes and say ,"You're getting married!" before I hug him like I'll never see him again.

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