Part 12

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Jacob's POV

Our faces are red but after Bella realized that she wasn't wearing clothes she ren onto her closet and got on some clothes before coming back out, but she didn't come anywhere near me. My wolf, Jorden whimpered at the fact that our mate didn't want to be near us. "Bella, is something wrong?" I looked though our mate bond and Bella was worried that I was upset with her for not realizing that was her clothes had been shredded when she phased. I walked to her, wrapping my arms around her. It's okay Princess, I didn't realize either when I first phased. Bella turned in my arms and gave me a small kiss on the cheek. Thank you, she whispered into our link. Let's go down stairs to see what Sam's doing. When we walked down stairs Sam was sitting in the lunge room with his phone in his hand.

"Okay Bella listen I just got off the phone to Billy and said that you need to find out who else in your family who can phase. And Jake you need to help her with that knowing you to won't be able to stay away from each other." Bella's phone went off and she went off to get it. After a couple of minutes, she came back into the room. "My Mum and step dad are coming here on Wednesday. So, I have three days to see if it's Charlie's side of the family who can phase." After Sam left Bells filled me in about her Mum, Renee and step dad Phil, who plays ball for a living.

*Two hours later*

Charlie finally came back with six fish at one and Charlie wanted pizza so we got one lager to two mediums. When they got here Bells and I went up to her room to eat. "Jake when you first imprinted on me, how could you stay away? I can barely stay three feet away." I breathed in, it was quite hard to stay away now that I'm bound her and she's bound to me. We're bound together now and forever. Bella when we both finished I yanked Bella to me I and kissed her with as much passion as I could, then something for ne brief. Never ending moment, I could see my future with Bells, her standing in front of my house, her in a wedding dress and Bells pregnant. Two children one with black hair the other with brown. When I opened my eyes, my girl's smiling up at me. When we finished though out our pizza boxes we lied down on Bella's bed. She had her head on my chest along with her right arm, her hand is over my heart. The heart that belongs to her, the only girl I'll ever love. My arms are around her, Bells is so close to falling asleep.

"Sleep, my love. Dream joyful dreams. My heart belongs to you bow and forever. You're the only one who has a place in my heart. Now sleep my only love." When I finished she snuggled closer into my chest and fell asleep.

Sorry I've still been going in and out of hospital, this is my first Author's note. I'm writing Part 13 so it should he up soon. 

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