Part 1

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My name is Isabella Swan. I'm 18 years old. I live in Forks, Washington. My ex-boyfriend and Vampire Edward Cullen have been away for 9 months. I no longer believe that he will ever even come back. My best-friend Jacob Black, is still avoiding me and I don't know why.

"bella, can you come down?" Charlie shouts form the living room and as I run down stairs I see Billy Black, Jacob's farther. I look outside and Jacob is in his Volkswagen, Rabbit 1986 'a classic' in his words. He's changed a lot since I last saw him. He chopped all of his hair off so it's cropped short and he's still staring at me with a strange expression. 'hey Bella, how you been doing?" Billy asked.

"Oh, I feel fine Billy, thanks for asking." Billy just smiled that me. "I came to drop off I picture of Rachal, you remember her Bella?" I started to bit my lip, like I do every time I think hard. "yeah, I remember her a little bit, but I don't remember much." Billy nodded and headed for the door.

Time Lapis

10:30 P.M.

I woke up screaming again. This time Edward's eyes were blood red and at his feet were Renee, Phil, Charlie and the Blacks. I got out of my bed. Something scratched against my window again with the same thin, high pitched sound. A huge, dark shape wobbled erratically on the other side of the glass.

Lurching toward me like it was going to smash right though. I staggered back, terrified, my throat closing around a scream. Then a familiar, husky voice called from the dark shape. "Bella!" it hissed. "Ouch! Damn it, open the window! OUCH!" I needed two seconds to shake off the horror before I could move, but then I hurried to open the window and shoved the window out of the way. The clouds were dimly lit from behind, enough for me to make sense of the shapes.

"What are you going?" I gasped. Jacob was clinging precariously from the top of the spruce that grew in the middle of Charlie's little front yard. His weight had bowed the tree toward the house and he now swung his legs dangling twenty feet above the ground, not a yard in front of me. The thin branches at the tip of the tree scrapped against the side of the house again making the grating squeal.

"I'm trying to keep- "he huffed, shifting his weight as the tree top bounced him- "my promise." He huffed again. "When did you ever promise to kill yourself falling out of Charlie's tree?" he snorted, unamused, swinging his long legs to improve his balance. He swaying his legs again backwards and forward, increasing his momentum. I realized what he was trying to do.

"No, Jake!" but I ducked to the side, because it was to late. With a grunt, he launched himself toward my open window. To my shock, he swung agilely into my room, landing on the balls of his foot with a low thud. We both looked at the door automatically, holding our breath, waiting to see if the noise had woken Charlie. A short moment of silence passed, and we heard the muffled sound of Charlie's snore. Suddenly, it was just more than I could handle, it felt as if all of my sleepless nights were crashing down on me. I was so brutally tried that I thought I might collapse right there on the floor. I swayed unsteadily and struggled to keep my eyes open.

'Bella?" Jacob whispered anxiously. He caught my elbow as I swayed again and steered me back to the bed. My legs gave out when I reached the edge of my bed and I plopped into a limp heap on the mattress.

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