Part 10

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Bella's POV.

It's 9:30 pm and I'm measuring my height again because I've grown seven inches in the last two weeks and I've also become more darker with my skin tone instead of being albino now I'm nearly as tanned as Jacob and the Pack. I've got my window open to let some air in. when I felt something come up behind me, I turned and I was looking into a pair of golden eyes that I hoped to never see again. Edward Cullen.

Hat are you doing here Edward?" I put as much venom as I could into the words and my face filled with hate. "I've come back to ask you to forgive me, to take me back." Edward said those words as if he thought I could still love him. "no, Edward I've moved on, you should too. I don't know why you thought I'd take you back after all the pain you put me though, you're a dickhead."

"You've moved on and what's that smell" he asked me wrinkling his nose at me. "what smell?" I ask him, in a cold voice. "That wet dog smell, it's all over you Bella. You smell like a... A...Werewolf!" he shouted but not loud enough to wake up Charlie. "So, what if I smell like a Werewolf?" I asked starting to get really angry. "There unstable, Bella if they phase anywhere near you could get hurt Bella, you need to stop seeing that werewolf." That just made me see red. "you don't get a choice in what I do Edward. You can't tell me what to do Edward so just fuck off!" and finally Edward went.

I ran to my bedside table and rang Jake.

"hey, Bells." Jake sounded so happy now. "Jake, listen the Cullen's are back now, you have to tell Sam just in case. I just got a visit from Edward Cullen." I spoke though my teeth. "Do you want me to come down, Baby?" he asked. "come down tomorrow Babe?" I don't really know now he'll fair with that. He started laughing. "Do you want me to stop calling you that?" I asked. O I like it." I smiled. "See you tomorrow. "I whispered to him. "Love you Bye." He whispered. "Love you too." I hung up and fell into bed, when I started to feel pain all over my body.

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